The Brink of Break-Up: How Growth Can Sink Your Brand
Gideon- Founder, Pixxis Agency.

The Brink of Break-Up: How Growth Can Sink Your Brand


They are the lifeblood of every brand.

Last week, I had an exciting experience that inspired our discussion today.

For a while, I’ve been patronizing a laundry service. I started with them when they were relatively new; their services were top-notch, communication was smooth, and, like the Titanic, everything was going well initially.

Until they became not so small anymore (which is great, by the way).

Why do I start this way?

There are 3 things every brand needs to nail to stay long-term:

  • Customer loyalty
  • Customer retention
  • Customer service

Interestingly, if you focus on nailing number 3, one and two would come easily.?

Customers often complain of the decline in response rate & communication speed that comes with the growth of their favorite brands.

This shouldn’t be so.?

But it happens because brands prioritize revenue and increase in numbers over the most important factor on which they are built.

Here’s where most businesses lose it

In your infant stage, you’re trying to make a great impression, get people to talk about you, and patronize you.

Here, you respond to DMS fast across all channels; communication is top-notch, and people begin to notice and spread the word.

Your client base increases, brand awareness is spreading, and you’d need a bigger team to do more

Then, you hire a graphic designer,

A data analyst,

A content marketer, project manager, etc

You’re hungry to hit more KPIs, increase visibility, beat the competition, and become the alpha of your industry.

So much that you neglect what got you there in the first place.



You should have built a system to ensure that as your brand grows, your customers feel supported and communication improves.

Where’s your customer service representative and client relationship manager?

You let it slip into the roles of other team members, who focus on other aspects of the company, like that rock that sank the Titanic.

Shabby system = No system

I’ve seen many people lament about how they had to break up with their favorite brands because they no longer felt prioritized.

This is the same mistake my “laundry service” made

I had to call their attention to the neglect, and even though they apologized, it fractured their image in my minds

One thing business owners need to have at the TOP of their minds is, no matter how stellar your service or product is, if you neglect your customers

They Will Go Elsewhere.?

This is how growth threatens the foundation of a business and why these conversations are essential.

So, regardless of the stage your brand is at, examine the systems put in place to make your customers/target market feel SPECIAL. If there isn’t a system, this is your sign to build one.

Never stop caring about people.

That is How You Beat the Competition.

I’m Gideon, founder of Pixxis Agency , and I am open to connecting. Subscribe to this newsletter as I share more intricate details of my weekly journey of building my agency. See you next week!

You can also write to me here: [email protected]

As a #founder or #businessowner, when did you realize you made this mistake? How did you correct it?

Do you want a part 2 that handles how to keep communication afloat as a brand?

Tell me in the comments.


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