Bringing The Weird Out Into The Open
Jessica Dawn Séguin
Executive Coach, Professional Master Clearer & Intuitive Soul Integration Healer
I?wrote this on Monday’s spring equinox with the sun shining brightly above me early in the morning. I was appreciating the marked increase in energy that I’ve been noticing on the days that are bright and sunny. This has been one of the greyest winters in the last 80 years meaning that the number of sunny days was significantly lower than any winter that I have experienced in this lifetime; it really has me mindful of the impact of light in a number of different aspects of our lives.
Many of my friends and clients have remarked on how low their energy has been throughout this particular winter and perhaps it’s due to emerging from three years of various pandemic protocols, and I do think that’s part of it, and I also think that prolonged lack of direct light can be a challenge for many of us.?
I think of those who live in the upper northern parts of my country, spending all the winter months during the winter, reducing light in prolonged darkness, and then shifting into the perpetual twilight of those summers, and if you are not acclimated to it, the impact is significant.?
We are made of light and so this shouldn’t be surprising in the slightest, but I continue to marvel at the sensitivity we exhibit nonetheless. As a Professional Master Clearer and Soul Point Journey guide, I have worked with hundreds of people over the years, and one thing that I have noticed is that we are all under an increasing amount of stress and as this stress increases, the impact on our personal light levels is significant.?
What the heck is a light level? Check it out here!
Whether it's from the constant pressure of the past few years of pandemic, or the demands of busy schedules, people are now, more than ever, in need of ways to increase their light levels, clear their energy and find overall balance.
Professional Clearing is a powerful tool that enables me to clear a number of the elements that lead you to experience negative energy and lower light levels. This process involves a thorough analysis of 26 different elements including chakra and dimension cords and then I clear each of the elements, removing any negative or stagnant energy and replacing it with healing energy and finishing it off with a Gold Treatment.
There are many different techniques that can be used for energy blessings, including meditation, smudging, and crystal healing. Each of these techniques has its own unique benefits, but I’ve found that none of them have shown to fully clear the unseen impacts and elements as well as a full Professional Clearing can.
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to keep your light levels high, as it allows you to quiet your mind and focus on your breath; meditators have consistently shown to keep their light higher than non-meditators. Meditation helps to release negative thoughts, judgements or emotions that may be blocking your energy flow and creates space for positive energy to enter, thus increasing your light – this is what we mean when we say we’re vibing high!
Smudging is another technique that involves burning various herbs to cleanse the space and energy field. This practice has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures around the world and is said to remove negative energy and promote healing. While I use this practice for myself and before ceremonies, I turn to smudging more to bless the space and enhance my intentions before I go into ceremony, meditation.
Crystal healing is also a popular form of energy clearing, as different crystals are believed to have unique energetic properties that can help to balance the energy field. For example, rose quartz is known for its ability to promote love and compassion, while amethyst is believed to enhance intuition, to name a few. I will use crystals in my Gold Treatments once the clearings are complete as they amplify the ability to hold the light.
The benefits of Professional Clearing can be profound. It can help people to release any negative, dark energy that may be holding them back and create a greater sense of clarity and focus.This can be especially important for anyone in healing professions who help multiple people each month, as it can help them to stay grounded, clear and connected to their highest selves.
In addition to the benefits for you, Professional Clearing can also have a positive impact on those around you. When you are no longer bogged down by the dark and heavy elements, you feel calm, centred, and at peace, which typically positively impacts your relationships with those around you; you see those around you with more clarity.
I have found Professional Clearing to be an essential tool for anyone who is looking to find greater balance and clarity in their lives, and it is particularly important for people who are often under a great deal of stress. Most people benefit from 1-2 clearings per year, but healers, hairdressers and nail technicians benefit from more frequent clearings due to the high volume of people they see each day.?
If you head over to my social media, you’ll be able to learn more about the elements I clear, including dead people, spells, enchantments and more! It really is bringing the weird out into the open.?
I’d love for you to come over and join in the conversations!
XO Jessica