Bringing in some positivity amidst Covid

Bringing in some positivity amidst Covid

Thankyou readers !! Its been a while that the world is facing a complex situation with lots of uncertainities around. We start our morning with Covid news, bascially live, eat, & sleep with the pandemic news happening since Dec 31,2019. As the days pass by, I feel its time for me to divert my thoughts to something else apart from Covid 19. Its just not the unimaginable deaths and infections happening, truly helpless with the news about the deaths. Since my dad passed away during November 2019, I still feel the pain of loss but now seeing the numbers, Gosh..its disheartening, I pray everyday for all the departed souls to Rest in Peace. My thoughts & wishful prayers are for all those affected and hope to see a quick recovery... just positive from all angles. Its time for all of us to connect together and pray to the Almighty be it God, Allah, Jesus, Ram, Ganapathi, Yahweh, Ahura, Gautam Buddha, Ik Onkar, or any of your own belief system, because seriously we need a peaceful ending to what is happening. With prayers, we get connected to our souls which is demanding at this time. Lately I have been focussing on Wayne Dyer's spiritual teachings which is a boon to my thoughts. There were seeveral times when I felt very disheartening with increasing death rates reported and believe everyone carries the same emotions like me. But I have decided to take a positive approach wherein my prayers are for a better tomorrow.

My saviours today are the works of few interesting personalities i.e Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Prophet Muhammed, Gautam Buddha and many more. Their quotes & books are creating inner peace and joy within me. This is the time for us to be more kinder, appreciate all around us with love and joy, offer help to those needed, genuinely help everyone without any expectation, just be you and do your best & live a peaceful life by connecting spiritually. We have learned an interesting lesson from this pandemic, nothing is forever, in a blink of a second everything can turn out to be different. Its a great learning experience to the Humanity. I remember my history classes that spoke about the great epidemic that killed 50 million plus people around the world but now we are witnessing the situation with a global standstill. This taught me to focus living in the present with the happiness prevailing around us by spending our precious time with the people we love, speak to everyone with kindness & humility and when its time to leave, wholeheartedly accept that with calmness & serenity.

As we all know, Life is a gift and we are bound to appreciate the small details. Let's use every opportunity to spread positivity & generosity. My mantra is "Live Life, Laugh lots , Love forever". Being spiritually fit is primarily very important for one to maintain well being. Its true that uncertainities create fear & panic, but lets live the moment. Once you start living for today, tomorrow will be awesome by itself. When you get to live the moment, then everything that comes after is a bonus. Its easy to write but getting into the spirit of living for today is a major task specially during Covid situation, but it is definitely possible. I have done it , so can you. When your thoughts can be blended with positivity, the magic happens.

How do we overcome a situation where we have lost our loved one or the current lockdown where we are confined to our homes etc.? Its not simple to handle but why not we face it with grace? Consider all the positive matters related to the situation, indeed death is a complete loss, but we can think about the happy moments with our loved one, their spiritual connection can be felt and visualize them in your dreams, in this manner we can move on in life. And speaking about the lockdown, lets utilise the time to connect with our loved ones, focus on work related matters at the comfort of your homes, have a healthy diet, exercise regularly & meditate. Infact there are lots of beautiful stuff that can be done with every situation we face, considering the situation as a great learning experience and achieve the fullest. I have started implementing this to my life and trust me it works and is truly amazing.

From centuries, we have humankind evolving and its our responsibility to lead a life with total bliss. Infact we should be the example of a generation who is awesome in every aspects of life - technology, positivity, economy, aritificial intelligence, satellites, Internet , block chain and the list goes on. This is a time for us to face the Pandemic with positivity. Every loss is a pain but a path to our newly found life. Evolution had taught us the science of transformation and we are the epitome of success. This is an important turning point in history where transformations are happening, the world that used to be is changing to the world which may stay for years to come. But one good thing we have is the thought process which remains the same, either positive or negative or a blend of both. Lets focus more on the positivity and spiritually evolve to the greater humankind that is ready to face all consequences of life as this is the truth and it stays intact ever after.

I would like to end with an interesting quote by Wayne Dyer - "A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe."

Thankyou/ Salma


