Bringing the Human factor in HR
The issue that most organisations seem to face is the lack of enthusiasm in new employees that are hired. At first, there is excitement and dedication, but the more paperwork they fill out and the more rules and regulations that are spoken about lead to demotivation of employees at the start of the job. All the energy is erased through the onboarding process, ultimately causing employees to be left in a wilderness of paperwork.
Unfortunately, employees decide to stay or continue working at an organisation during the first six months of the job, which is not a lot of time but is quite a cost. After the realisation, many organisations have adopted extensive methods to improve the total candidate experience and ensure a positive and rewarding outcome for job seekers. However many organisation’s admit that their “internal candidate experience” is not the ideal outcome they were hoping for.
Like there are certain ground rules involved for every activity, so does the Onboarding process for every organisation:
- The time that is taken for employees to become proficient and comfortable with their job is important and must be focused on improving.
- The first 30-60-90 days must be focused on in order to give employees a fast start.
- Jobs have different break even points that depend on the complexity and applicability of the talent pool.
- When the employee start to work, their engagement levels are high but organisations need to remember they will quickly decline.
- On boarding should be considered an engagement and development process rather than an administrative activity.
At the same time it is important to keep in mind that a carefully planned onboarding process always leads to higher engagement and productivity and reduces the turnover.
How can HR be a helping hand?
The best way is to evolve with the emerging trends. Having the right technology in the streamlining process will enable HR and new employees to focus on the current work and immerse into the workplace culture. Allowing new job hires to move through the onboarding process with a smooth and uninterrupted flow will allow them to be ready from the first day.
HR also needs to be empowered, which undoubtedly leads to a more engaging and productive day for new hires and co-workers. Empowering HR helps to create a sustainable organisation by eliminating the hundreds of hours of administrative labor.