Bringing a holiday vibe to your everyday
There is nothing quite like some time away to strip back the layers of stress and recharge our batteries. Recently returned from a two-week holiday in Tasmania, I took the opportunity to bask in my renewed energy and considered the conditions that my holiday vibe created that enabled me to feel an increased sense of calm.
A sense of deeper connection with those around me, having unscheduled time to explore, move and create, space to sit, relax and just be. Without any expectations of having to be anywhere or doing anything. Without constantly checking the time, emails, or voicemails.
Unfortunately, for many of us, holidays only come around one or two times a year and as a result, the benefits that we generate from this break can be relatively short-lived. Unless of course, we make a conscious decision to introduce that holiday vibe into our everyday life.
So, I asked myself "What would it take to create the optimal environment to bring those elements of my holiday to life during a regular week?"
If I had an hour, I could read some of that book that has been on the bedside table, do a crossword, explore some rock pools, catch up with a friend for coffee, go for a bike ride along the coast, walk around the Botanical Gardens or eat out at one of our amazing local restaurants.
If I had a day, I could visit a waterfall, head out on a day cruise, take a hike in a national park or visit a local community that I have never been to before.
While it is nice to get away, my recent holiday reminded me that I don’t need to be away from my home to create a holiday vibe. Nor do I have to spend a lot of money.
I live in one of the most beautiful places in Australia and have access to an amazing environment on my doorstep. Surrounded by beaches, parks and gardens, bike paths, restaurants and cafes, easy access to fresh fruit and vegetables, and am treated to spectacular weather on an almost daily basis!
Each day, we have an opportunity to access parts of our environment for free, a beautiful environment that does not require us to be on a holiday to enjoy it.
Personally, I am a planner, so I remain connected to my holiday vide by ensuring that there are always things in my calendar to look forward to and be grateful for. Things that make me smile or create space to reset and enable me to remember the things that are most important to me.
What do you need to do to create your own holiday vibe in your everyday?
Perhaps it is planning regular weekend activities, scheduling time with friends and family, or creating new routines that are aligned to your goals or values. Maybe it is doing some research to find out what is available in your local area.
Whatever it is, I hope that it is something that brings you joy and creates a vibe that consistently instils a sense of calm and gratitude, even when you’re not on holidays!
Best wishes for a lovely Easter!