Bringing it all together
As you push each of the initiatives forward to take full advantage of the investment in the position profile, the manager’s guide is starting to coalesce. The ultimate reference tool for how to manage people in the profiled position is quietly growing. You have the outline that shows the connection between the objectives, tasks, and competencies. You have means by which the POA competencies can be measured (and you might have some developmental opportunities that a manager can assign to an employee with a gap). The trainers (if they are good) have also developed knowledge and skills assessments (or, learning objectives at the very least) for the 'developmental' competencies (and they have classes developed that map to each of those competencies to address any gaps).?
It is time to create the leadership training class with your L&D partners. The learning objectives for this class are tied to the manager’s guide.?
(You might also include some training on how to talk about performance gaps, how to give employees developmental feedback, and how to assign and track developmental activities.)
As long as the leaders in your organization are held accountable for the performance of their direct reports, this will become a favorite training and resource right away. Managers will want to assess everyone (although, you might have done this for them on the POA competencies, thus earning bonus points). They will want to assign people to training classes and other developmental activities. They will want to track progress and keep pushing so that all of their direct reports improve. They will identify you as a key resource and will likely run all sorts of questions and ideas by you.?
I cannot promise that they will erect a statue in your honor, and Employee of the Year is not a given. However, people will be saying nice things about you behind your back. And, other managers are going to start asking for their turn. That is called ‘job security.’