Bring Your Values to Life - Take the Values Clarity Quiz
PJ Jackson
Personal Transformation Consultant || TEDx Master Coach || Author || Applied Scientist || Former Aerospace Engineer || Emergenetics || ValuesJammer
Bringing your values to life is this year's theme for World Values Day and what better way to start bringing your values to life than to find clarity around your values.?
There are currently five generations in the workforce, each with its own defining value characteristics. Understanding which generation aligns with your values, rather than your age, can give insight into bringing your values to life.
In addition, the major cultures around the globe are diverse and multifaceted, shaped by history, geography, religion, language, and social norms. Understanding which cultural values align the closest with your values, rather than your physical location, can help you join with others to bring your values to life.
Finally, there are seven energy centers in the body, called chakras, that are believed to regulate different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Understanding your personal energy helps you bring your values to life.
Take the Values Clarity Quiz to start to understand how your values align with your peers, your culture and your inner energy. It will only take you a few minutes. Click here to take the Quiz
And then join one of the three global conversations with PJ Jackson on October 17th, World Values Day to discuss values clarity in cross-generational and cross-cultural groups.? See below for timings. The Quiz and the conversations are all free.
Why join the conversation?
Diverse Perspectives: These discussions bring together varied viewpoints shaped by different life experiences, cultural backgrounds, and generational contexts. This diversity fosters creativity and innovation as it encourages thinking beyond the conventional and leads to more comprehensive problem-solving.
Increased Empathy and Understanding: Engaging in meaningful conversations across generations and cultures helps participants develop empathy for others' experiences and perspectives. It bridges gaps in understanding, reduces stereotypes, and promotes inclusivity.
Building Stronger Relationships: These discussions create opportunities for bonding and collaboration. By valuing the input of all group members, regardless of age or background, stronger and more cohesive teams are formed, leading to better outcomes in both professional and personal contexts.
Overall, these discussions are key to fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and valued, leading to stronger, more resilient communities and organizations.
Join any of the 3 conversations on World Values Day:
1st conversation:? 15.00 to 16.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 10 to 11 am Eastern Time in the US on Oct 17th
2nd conversation: 19.00 to 20.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) which is 2 to 3 pm Eastern Time in the US on Oct 17th
3rd conversation: from midnight to 01.00 BST (UTC/GMT+1) on Oct 18th which is 7pm to 8pm Eastern Time in the US on Oct 17th
PLEASE REGISTER HERE to receive the link for all three conversations
PJ Jackson is the Founder of Positive Knowledge, LLC. and personal growth coach at Fourth Level Coaching. Melding an engineer’s intellect and an awakened heart, PJ combines a professional background as an Applied Scientist, engineer, and organizational transformation expert to help individuals’ breakthrough and level up to new heights in personal development. PJ is leveraging over 30 years of experience in making a positive impact on LinkedIn with over 70K followers.
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1 个月I loved taking this quiz. Off course I am joining this event !! ??
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1 个月This is such an inspiring initiative, PJ! Your work consistently empowers others to align with their core values and make meaningful changes. Thank you for leading the way in personal transformation.
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1 个月It you’re in then I’m in too PJ Jackson Shall we loop in our friends from across the pond again?
Global Coordinator at World Values Day
1 个月Going to be exciting @PJ Jackson! Can't wajt
How do I have over 500K followers here (& 100+ recs)?? I speak ‘truth to tech’, share ‘good vibes’, highlight amazing people & companies & have friends in high places. Editor-in-Chief @ Tech For Good. Serial founder/BODs
1 个月Love it! Took it PJ Jackson ??