Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Parties - A New Kind of Book Club

Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Parties - A New Kind of Book Club

RSVP on Explara or ou Meetup Group

Once upon a time, we wanted to start a book club in our company. But even before we started, we ran into the good old modern trouble with the book clubs. Reading assigned books is difficult. Most book clubs fail because members don't read the assigned book. Their reasons can vary. Sometimes they don't get time. At others, they just aren't interested in that book. Different people may also be at different places on their reading journey, and interrupting that for an assigned book is too disconcerting.

So, we experimented with a different idea. We decided to meet every month and talk about the books we have already read. That is, everyone talks about different books. If you think it would not lead to a coherent, meaningful discussion, you would be surprised. The conversation just flows. Others might have read the same book earlier. Or they might have read something that is similar or totally different from the book under discussion. There might be issues in the book that they are familiar with. The discussion can become entertaining and enlightening at the same time.

When it succeeded inside the company, we extended the same concept for an open event. We call it Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Parties. There are anywhere between 7 to 15 guests at these parties and they talk about one book each.

Here is a small sample of some of the most interesting books people brought to these parties.

Here is a sample of what goes on in these parties

The parties are free to attend and snacks are served to keep you recharged for the books!

If you liked what you read, the next one if planned for February 20, 2016. RSVP at explara or our meetup group and come over.


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