Deborah Pietruszka
Assist in developing skills that are specific to meeting objectives that aligns with their career or personal goals and to improve work-life balance and overall well-being.
Did you know that each and every one of us has a treasure deep inside? For some, it is so deeply hidden that we are unaware of its existence. Others may experience various aspects of it, from a fleeting moment to longer exposures.
What is this treasure, you may ask? It is JOY!
The definition of joy is gladness, delight, and pleasure; closely related to it is the word “happy,” which means joyous, joyful, and content.These words “joy” and “happy” bring a sense of lightness, good will, and something pleasant to this world where both light and darkness exist.
As women, our lives frequently become so filled with responsibilities, expectations, financial issues, and health concerns, that our inner joy is hidden from our awareness.
That’s what happened to Natalie*, a 49-year-old woman who’d been married for over 30 years, and had three children. She had spent her life to that point attempting to be the woman everyone else expected and demanded she be. Natalie found, though, as time passed, that the inner joy and exuberance she experienced in early adulthood had dissipated to the point of vanishing. Life had lost its luster. At times, she could be happy, but those times were brief and infrequent.
Natalie had lost her inner joy. When this was pointed out to her, she replied “I believe it is in me somewhere, but I honestly don't know how to tap into it.”
WOMEN IN LIGHT is designed to reignite your inner joy through intuitively identifying those parts of life which have dulled it. As we learn strategies to assess factors that detract from our joy and release our negative attachment to them, we’ll find ourselves opening up to that inborn gift of joy.
Imagine waking up in the morning, eager to jump out of bed and begin your joyful day where life appears brighter and you are in the flow. If you desire to shed joylessness and move into a life where you walk with a spring in your step, a smile on your face, and a song in your heart, join us for the life changing workshops of WOMEN IN LIGHT.
Contact us through our website at for details on dates, times, and costs.
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Contact Deb Pietruszka to sign up today.
*Name changed for privacy
Did you know that each and every one of us has a treasure deep inside? For some, it is so deeply hidden that we are unaware of its existence. Others may experience various aspects of it, from a fleeting moment to longer exposures.
What is this treasure, you may ask? It is JOY!
The definition of joy is gladness, delight, and pleasure; closely related to it is the word “happy,” which means joyous, joyful, and content.
These words “joy” and “happy” bring a sense of lightness, good will, and something pleasant to this world where both light and darkness exist.
As women, our lives frequently become so filled with responsibilities, expectations, financial issues, and health concerns, that our inner joy is hidden from our awareness.
That’s what happened to Natalie*, a 49-year-old woman who’d been married for over 30 years, and had three children. She had spent her life to that point attempting to be the woman everyone else expected and demanded she be. Natalie found, though, as time passed, that the inner joy and exuberance she experienced in early adulthood had dissipated to the point of vanishing. Life had lost its luster. At times, she could be happy, but those times were brief and infrequent.
Natalie had lost her inner joy. When this was pointed out to her, she replied “I believe it is in me somewhere, but I honestly don't know how to tap into it.”
WOMEN IN LIGHT is designed to reignite your inner joy through intuitively identifying those parts of life which have dulled it. As we learn strategies to assess factors that detract from our joy and release our negative attachment to them, we’ll find ourselves opening up to that inborn gift of joy.
Imagine waking up in the morning, eager to jump out of bed and begin your joyful day where life appears brighter and you are in the flow. If you desire to shed joylessness and move into a life where you walk with a spring in your step, a smile on your face, and a song in your heart, join us for the life changing workshops of WOMEN IN LIGHT.
Contact us through our website at for details on dates, times, and costs.
Also see
Contact Deb Pietruszka to sign up today.
*Name changed for privacy