Bring Down the Walls!

Nigerians...let's break down the Walls

For how long would we continue this charade?

Remember the Berlin Wall?

It was physical and lasted for 28 years

Our Walls are invisible

And they lie in our hearts

Even if we were forced to be together

Even if we had no choice to choose our national compatriots

We can't still allow historical walls keep us apart

We shouldn't sacrifice our common safety and happiness because we won't bring down the walls

Though John Kennedy preferred the Berlin wall to a war

The physical wall stopped the body but not the hearts

Our own walls, if we are not careful, will lead to a war

As we constantly get at the throat of each other

Suspicion is mutual, distrust is usual

These are our walls; they keep us close in bodies but distant in our hearts

Ethnocentrism, nepotism and selfishness

Are the societal cancers that rob us of peace and shared prosperity

These walls keep us apart and let us suffer

The only constant in our national history is mass suffering

Let us bring down the walls...

Let us respect all

We should not seek that others fail or fall

Whether they be our kinsmen or not

When we detest discrimination by colour

We should not also allow discrimination due to culture (or tongue)

A nation that does not respect human rights and merit will go decrepit

Because its leaders will be rogue models, not role models

It's time to bring down the walls...

Fellow compatriots! Let's make Nigeria great again.

Abbas Agbaje (29:01:2018)


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