Brilliant Business Advice From a Female Pop Star
Gloria MacDonald
Helping Marketers Identify and Build the BEST Multiple Streams of Passive & Residual Income
I just got this email from one of my colleagues and favorite people in the home business/networking world, Tyson Zahner. I love Tyson because he's funny, he's real, and he always hits the nail on the head!
So this was his email:
Yes! I am Quoting a Lyric from a Female Pop Song Today ..
And to be honest ... it's damn good advice!
I was at the gym yesterday when this song by P!nk came on.
There's a lyric in it that goes like this:
I'm done looking for the critics 'cause they're everywhere
They don't like my jeans, they don't get my hair.
We exchange ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that, why do I do that?
Of course she's talking about conforming to the opinions of others based on how she looks or dresses or wears or hair ...
But I see people affected by this same thing all the time in business.
For example, I had a guy email me about a week ago and he said,
"I was thinking about buying [a product] you recommended but then my cousin showed me a bad review she found online and now I'm second guessing it. Can you convince me otherwise?"
You wanna know what I told him? I said ...
"No! I won't convince you otherwise. In fact, My recommendation is that you don't buy it. If you're that susceptible to the opinions of other people, you're never going to make it in business anyway"
Was that too harsh?
Maybe, but it's totally true.
P!nk is right. Critics are everywhere.
And If you're looking for a reason NOT to do something, you'll find one.
If you keep exchanging who you are and what you're trying to be so you can conform to the opinions of others, you're just not going to make in business. Sorry!
The people who are going to succeed are the ones who say, "I'm gonna blaze a path that I believe in no matter who tries to tackle me along the way."
If you fit that criteria, then I'd like to invite you to check out the Massive Shift Experience.
If you've been struggling for years and you are ready for your break out year....
If you're ready to find your soul purpose, your unique messaging and what is truly possible for YOU...
If you're ready to be SO absolutely confident in what you do....
Then this is for you.
If so, check it out here.
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