Brighter Than Bright
?Channeled Messages of Angels
?Recorded March 12, 2023
?Soul Writings?
Brighter Than Bright
?Dragon flies appear when Angels are near.
Glory be to the highest. The highest of home.
We are here we are near. We see your light shinning bright.
You?see us, ask anything we are here .
As you move forward the steps are bright.?
Can you feel our presence as your hand vibrates, and?body shifts. Take in this feeling of light.
We are of the essence of being within you, when Heaven calls for you. We are the carriers the beings of light you call within. Can you feel our existence. Do you feel the joy of light we are.
Hallelujah to the mountains. As we look down we see you. The mountains of the above is the sanctuary of love.
We see you. Our vibration soars through your veins your hands face, and body. As you vibrate place them over your chest, and breath in our love. We love you.
You ask us many questions. It is never too much to answer, and assist you. In the present of Angels we are true essence of being. You are true essence of being without your shells.?You?camouflage well within the earth.
We love your existence. We too learn through your existence experience.?
Your emotions are high within this vast of discovery. Interesting for us to envision your walks among us. Many is our pleasure.?
We sense and know your needs within these compounds of existence to many discoveries given to us.?
Choices are many non of which displays defeat. Join us joyously. We help you through the muddies of waters you trench through. We clear the path wth opened light refreshing?for you to see.?
Loving us is loving yourself. We are of oneness.?
The humans mind may not receive us as many go through this life untold. Be in the existence of our wondrous love to open the gates.?
The sun is shinning the path awaits. Such wondrous beauty within your soul. It knows the path.
?We are here to guide the way. Absorb this light of such glory. The lovingness of this universe.?
The life will end as a new beginning evolves taking in breath. Remember dear loved one this is not the end.?
It is the beginnings of beginning to joy.?
As we are all here for you to walk the planet, make is easier for yourself. It is so easy.
The blinded of the dark shades will diminish once you acknowledge it allowing light to appear. Stay in this light. Stay true to your soul.?
You seek as we your angels continue with you, and the lovingly embracing of your hearts.?
Feel us now the vibration.?
Nothing is too much. The more you take us in your breath the more we expand your light, the more soul takes glory. We are the Angels of the God. The One the Only.?
There are many among us as you fulfill your lifetime. Remember the joy within your heart . Remember who you truly are.?
You are a child of the God within the universe.?The beginning of the everlasting, and time for you for now.?
We embrace your love, and of your heart. We tend to your every need. Nothing harms the way of your light, and the?shinning of bright to those who's lives you touch.?
You are a Goddess within an everlasting light.?
You truly soar this universe, and we are with you.?
Brighter then bright.
Your Angels.