Briefings: Local Control Looming, Holyoke Now Must Plug Ward Holes on School Committee…
Holyoke Schools HQ (via City of Holyoke)

Briefings: Local Control Looming, Holyoke Now Must Plug Ward Holes on School Committee…

At least everybody knows what to do.

Earlier this year, a Joint Session of the Holyoke City Council and School Committee filled the latter’s vacant at-large seat. Now, the Paper City band that fills the school board’s vacancies is getting back together to fill the two ward School Committee seats. In an August 29 statement posted online, the city announced the exit of Ward 1 member Gustavo Romero and Ward 4 member Gloria Caballero-Roca.

Vacancies in Holyoke’s elected municipal offices have not been uncommon in the last decade. Some combination of the City Council and another entity—the School Committee when it has the vacancy—fills the open slot. Potential disruption on the city’s school board could be a headache as Holyoke prepares to reassume control after nearly a decade of state receivership.



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