Brief Summary: NDIS Participant
Outcomes Report

Brief Summary: NDIS Participant Outcomes Report

This article is part of NDIS Business Advisory Series, feel free to reach out to me for further engagement at

The NDIS Participant Outcomes Report is a comprehensive analysis of the progress and outcomes of participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The report covers participants who have been in the Scheme for one year or more as of June 30, 2022, and uses data available as of that date. The report provides a detailed picture of how participants are progressing under the NDIS, based on information provided by them in interviews conducted using the NDIS outcomes framework questionnaires.

The report is an important resource for NDIS providers, sector #leaders , #experts , and advocates to understand the progress and impact of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on participants. This report is based on data collected from interviews conducted using the #NDISoutcomesframework questionnaires, and the results provide valuable insights into how the scheme is making a difference in the lives of participants, as well as areas where improvements may be required.

One of the key findings of the report is the number, extent, and nature of changes across key outcome indicators. In total, 181 indicators were considered for the older participant age groups (15 and over), and 78 for the younger participant age groups (0 to 14). Of these, 29% of indicators showed significant and material change. Additionally, 39% of short-form (SF) indicators showed significant and material change, compared to 21% of long-form (LF) indicators. The lower percentage for LF indicators is due to smaller numbers of participants surveyed.

Another important aspect of the report is the analysis of the areas in which the NDIS has had a positive impact. For participants from birth to starting school, over 90% of parents and carers reported that the NDIS had helped with their child’s development and access to specialist services. Perceptions were increasingly positive the longer participants had been in the Scheme for this age group. Similarly, over 70% of parents and carers of participants from school to age 14 said that the NDIS helped improve their child’s independence, at the latest review. Positive perceptions increased with time in the Scheme, except for the latest year.

Participants aged 15 and over also reported significant improvements in several areas, including choice and control, daily living, relationships, health and wellbeing, as well as social, community, and civic participation. Additionally, the report found that higher plan utilization is strongly associated with a positive response after one year in the Scheme. Improvements are typically largest between utilization bands 0-20% and 20-40% (for most domains).

The report also looks at how participants’ outcomes compare to the general Australian population. Overall, the report found that participants’ education, employment, and health-related outcomes are generally poorer than for the Australian population. However, the trend is improving on some of these indicators and getting closer to that of the general population (e.g. completing year 12 or above, working 15 or more hours). Participants aged 15 and over are also less likely than the Australian population to rate their health positively and are more likely to have attended hospital in the past 12 months, although the trend for the latter indicator is improving. On a positive note, participants are more likely to have a regular doctor than the Australian population.

In conclusion, the NDIS Participant Outcomes Report provides valuable insights into the progress and outcomes of participants in the NDIS. The report highlights areas where the Scheme is #makingadifference , as well as areas where improvements may be required. The report's new approach to dealing with participants who transition to an older age group increases the amount of data included in the analysis, and allows a continuous longitudinal view of participant outcomes at different life stages and durations within the Scheme. This report is an important tool for policymakers, stakeholders, and the public to understand the impact of the NDIS on the lives of people with disabilities.

I would like to invite you to read the complete report at the link below,

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