Brief Introduction to REIKI
Reiki, which is pronounced as Ray – Key, as is evident consists of two words Rei and Ki.?Rei which means universal or cosmic and Ki meaning energy, the life force.?Reiki essentially is a hands-on healing technique in which it is believed that the omnipresent, all pervasive life force is directed towards the recipient by a Healer, who has been attuned by a reiki master. The most popular exponent of this healing technique has been Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk of the 19th century, though it is believed that the term Reiki was already in use in Japan even before that. Some can argue that similar techniques were there in India, China or other countries as well, albeit known by different names . . .?and I tend to agree. Our own Vedas (Rig Veda to be precise as also Atharv Veda) speak of using the pious touch of the divine healing hands:
??????????????????????????Omm ayam mein hasto bhavwanayam main bhagvatar,
??????????????????????????Ayam mein vishwabheshjoayam shivabhimarshanam !
Reiki to my mind is a mix of healing with the cosmic energy, channelizing the healing energy present in everyone and everything, using Intentions, Symbols, the Power of sub-conscious mind, activating the chakras of the body, using the power of positive thoughts, clairvoyance. As can be seen from the above it actually has to do more with the channeling of the Universal life force. . . a seemingly God consciousness, a force more in the spiritual realm than in the physical plane and hence Reiki practitioners widely believe that Reiki guides itself with its own wisdom and has a mind of its own and thus cannot be dictated by the practitioner.
The Methodology
Reiki healing techniques are not taught like other healing procedures and is transferred from Reiki Master to the student in a process called Attunement . Various schools and masters have devised their own curriculum though generally there are 3 or 5 levels which are now more frequently taught.?In short,?in Reiki I the principles of Reiki and and self healing as well as healing of others is taught along with an attunement by the master. In this one is taught to understand the aura and aura scanning and cleaning as well as healing. Two symbols are taught in this level.?Mainly the healing is by touch ie Hands-On, which may not be literally placing the hands (the hands can be slightly away from the body).?In Reiki II the use of the Distant healing symbol is taught and an attunement is given. More on the power of the sub-conscious mind, the use of intentions, etc is also taught to the student. Both these levels also have a practice session for all the techniques taught. In Reiki III the Master symbol is introduced as also a new technique of Psychic Surgery(PS) is taught.?Knowledge of making of a crystal grid is also imparted in the level. After this level a practitioner is considered to be a Master practitioner or healer. The next level is the Reiki IV or Reiki IIIB which is the Reiki Master Teacher or Reiki Master course in short. In this the students are given the secret to give attunements to other students as also various other symbols are introduced. The last stage in this curriculum is of the Grand Mastership. Although, Dr Usui never used the term Grandmaster.?This should not bring a doubt in the mind of the readers that the healing power of Reiki of a Level I or II practitioner would be lesser than the GM. . . simply because it should be understood that the power is of the Universal Force – Reiki and not the practitioner.
About the healing process per se… once the recipient, if it is a person, is briefed about the process and made to relax the practitioner invokes the reiki symbols to activate it and starts the healing by first clearing and healing the aura and thereafter moves on to giving healing energy for the purpose required with the intention for the same. It helps if the recipient also makes a strong intention of getting better and visualizing all negativity being removed. As stated earlier the Hands may not be placed directly over the body, remaining a few inches away,?or may be placed if it is OK with the person. Reiki is also given by Distant method in which after the invocation of Reiki a cosmic bond is made with the person or incident or thing and reiki sent along with the intentions of healing……Do Remember… no negative intention can be given. . .Reiki does no harm and is NOT black magic.
Who Can Be Given Reiki
Reiki can be given to living persons, plants animals, children, to non-living things like for wanting to remove a defect in a battery eg., to incidents past and future, to relationships, to financial status, etc etc.?I have personally given Reiki to non-living things with astonishing results eg I gave reiki to a scratched CD which would just not play and believe you me it has never stopped playing again. It is a matter of belief whether you would like to or not… but it is a fact. I have given Reiki to incidents eg when I wanted to get a visit to my office postponed of a Boss who I did not much fancy…. I sent reiki and not once but on three occasions I have been able to do that J . And the most hilarious or bizarre purpose for which I have personally used Reiki was to prevent/stop a pack of dogs whining beneath my window past mid-night everyday. .?. the crying of dogs which is not considered auspicious in this part of the country.
Reiki & Negativity?
Different people get different sensations while giving Reiki. I have felt heat emanating from my hands at times and at other times I have felt vacuum being created in the cup of my palms like the transfer of energy . . .energy flowing out and creating a vacuum. At times there is a throbbing sensation in my hands. So it is how Reiki is showing its presence to you.
I do not know why this misconception is ?prevalent in so many people, that one can acquire the disease from the patient. Perhaps it is our inner fear of disease or negative energy that has got embedded in our minds. The basic principle of Reiki is . . .'REIKI CAN DO NO HARM'. If you truly believe in this then you would realize that Reiki could do no harm to anyone and that includes you yourself. As simple as it can get. Going to a sacred religious place can be good for other purposes but no it has nothing to do with Reiki. You can combine Reiki with your religious rituals if it works as a 'starter' for you... I do that many times, eg., when it is something major or serious for which I am doing Reiki, I generally do that after taking a bath or sort of freshening up then sit in my prayer room, a quick prayer with Hands in front of my Lord Shiva, an essence stick for fragrance and creating an ambience of piousness, and then I start the Reiki procedure. BUT do remember,,,, all this has actually nothing to do with Reiki. It has everything to do with ME. It works on my sub-conscious mind and helps me getting into the mold a little seriously.
Unless your are healing by touch... and that too a person with some infectious disease, it is hard to fathom that negativity can be acquired from others. Though there are different areas and fields where these things magic for one, for more mundane and common things it is our own sub-conscious mind which may be the culprit. REIKI does talk about and teaches how to protect yourself from a Negative psychic attack or other unknown dangers by creating a protective shield around yourself with the #1 Symbol ie Cho-ku-rei.