Brief introduction to inflammatory symptoms and diseases

1. Your body is comprised of trillions of cells. Each cell has the blueprint for all the systems in your body.

2. The health of a cell is affected by oxidising factors like pollution; if you put your body in a polluted city your physical vehicle will begin to rust much like a car left out on its own to rust and decay.

3. In the same way, certain foods cause oxidation and certain foods reduce it. Just the process of metabolism causes oxidation so we have to have antioxidants in our diet.

4. Think of it like this, just the act of living is going to cause your cells to become degraded somewhat and the only ways around that are primarily through what we consume or what we practice such as meditation, cold water immersion or yoga.

5. It's the simple things that make the biggest difference in health yet these are often overlooked because we feel we need something more complicated to fix us. (Or a drug or a pill or an injection or a procedure).

6. What people don't understand is that in all these cases like heart disease which accounts for the overwhelming majority of deaths each year, the causes are inflammatory.

7. People think that if they have eczema that there is something wrong with their immune system or they have autoimmune disease but their immune system is simply responding to what are very real threats.

8. In one case, a person with gout will eat too many tomatoes and have swollen ankles as a result, a person with eczema will do the same thing and have redness, flakes and itching. Another person might consume alcohol and have liver issues, another will put on excessive weight. (These kinds of examples go on for days).

9. It doesn't matter what the symptoms are, the root causes remain the same.

10. This applies to liver disease, heart disease, cancer, dermatitis the list goes on.

11. It works like this; your immune system responds to a threat and this causes inflammation. Now depending on genetic factors, this will manifest differently. One person may experience bloating, another stiff joints etc. These symptoms can be linked for example people with obesity have more skin issues than people without, but the thing to remember is that symptoms differ depending on genetic factors.

12. There is nothing wrong with your immune system when it is responding to a genuine threat by developing an inflammatory response or signal; however if the threats are not addressed as time continues then individuals will experience chronic inflammation and this is where conditions like ongoing dermatitis, arthritis, eczema and heart disease come in.

13. Only once the threat causing the inflammation has been removed can your immune system breathe a sigh of relief. However modern medicine often seeks to suppress the immune system responsible for keeping you healthy in order to reduce or more aptly suppress inflammatory symptoms.

14. If you have a skin condition, there's nothing wrong with your skin. If you have heart disease, there's nothing wrong with your heart. If you have liver disease, there's nothing wrong with your liver.

15. There's little you can do to effectively treat any of these systems on their own. What you need is something that will treat all of them. For example, Omega-3 rich foods are notoriously excellent for skin, brain and heart (and liver). Time in nature and activities like walking will also reduce oxidation, inflammation with notable differences in people with skin issues, obesity, heart disease and so on.

16. But more importantly and urgent is the removal of foods and substances that trigger inflammation. The inflammation is a sign from our bodies intelligence saying "This is bad, don't do this".

17. Ever woken up after a heavy night drinking with abnormally swollen hands and joints? This is a telltale sign of inflammation. What of a swollen, red face? Inflammation.

18. Difficulty breathing in a polluted city or asthma due to environmental allergens like pollen - also inflammation.

19. If we continue to ignore our own bodies intelligence then chronic disease ensues. People with skin conditions are some of the luckiest on earth because due to their high sensitivity, their bodies quickly respond to threats.

20. Those whose bodies are not quick to show signs yet are subject to inflammation and oxidising factors will often suddenly experience some kind of bodily failure and sometimes death as a result of misuse and non-treatment.

21. The treatments that exist are mostly the ones nature or God gave us. Phytochemicals, phenolic compounds, substances that reduce both oxidation and inflammation are all part of the natural world. They do not belong to man, therefore the solutions are not found through man. Much of what a person can do to have perfect health involves little wealth.

22. So, to recap, if you have dermatitis, eczema, or any other inflammatory disease, there's nothing wrong with you or your immune system which is doing its job responding to very real threats. It is up to you however, to identify and address those threats accordingly, or to seek an expert in such matters.

23. The problem is, not only have people not been educated as to why they have the conditions they have but there's been very little concrete instruction as to what to avoid or include when it comes to eating and living perfectly. (Healthy has been overused, and oftentimes healthy eaters are still suffering.)

24. Perfect health is not a myth, it is a reality. All you need is the correct information.

25. Currently, the biggest causes of death and disease* are all reduced or eliminated by the information I share. By choosing to adopt any of my healing regimes, you become a beacon of light and hope to millions of others suffering in the world.

*Heart disease, cancers, liver disease, respiratory disease


