A Brief Introduction of Hotspot and Document Editors – Twin Editors of Tango+

A Brief Introduction of Hotspot and Document Editors – Twin Editors of Tango+

It’s the world of documents; from birth to death – an human being is represented by a document like birth certificate, School Certificates, High School Degrees, Insurance Policies, National ID Card, Driving License, Medical Reports, Job related letters, Passport, Death Certificate and list goes on.

We know that businesses have diverse document management needs and hence, the electronic documents are the very lifeblood of the modern business requirements to be created and superintend in a sublime fashion. Each and every single document has its own significance. Corporates care about their documents; they want them to be error free and well organized. That’s why Tango+ has the state of the art Hotspot and Document Editors – Twin Editors so that our valuable customers can generate, customize, edit, and share text-based documents in a simple and crisp way. Both editors have their core characteristics and those functionalities in each editor are directly dependent on the functionalities of other editor. I will try to elaborate this phenomenon in this piece.

Let’s have a look on hotspot editor module first.

1.0 Hotspot Editor

Hotspot Editor is basically a template/layout designer for any specific document. A template basically produces custom, transaction-ready instruments from an interview (a set of question-and-answer forms) in a fraction of the time it once took. Document creation templates not only reduces the time of creating a new document, but they also improve the quality of the document by eliminating human errors that come with hands-on editing. Every document has its own unique layout. For example, ID cards have an Image of the card owner, Basic Information such as Name, DOB, Issue and Expiry Dates etc. These objects are treated as hotspots in hotspot editor. In above mentioned case Profile Picture of the card owner is treated as an Image hotspot and text fields such as DOB, Issue/Expiry Dates are text hotspots where data fields can be mapped on the run time. If a particular object is “ON” in hotspot Editor; it becomes a map able hotspot. Each object (Image, Text) in a layout is categorized into three types of hotspots.

1.    Image Hotspot

2.    Text Hotspot

3.    Hybrid Hotspot

Image (Jpeg, Png, PDF, EPS, PS) content can be mapped on only Image hotspots and RTF content (RTF/Docx) on text hotspot accordingly. Hybrid hotspot caters both text and Image content simultaneously.

1.0.1 Single/Multiple Mapping

Hotspot can be made multiple mapping hotspot by just checking a checkbox of multiple mapping. Multiple mappings can be infinite or a mapping limit can be set by the end user.

1.0.2 Style able Hotspot

A text hotspot can be made a style able hotspot by clicking on the style permission checkbox. As soon as the hotspot becomes style able; user can map the font styles on the mappings in document editor. Font Styles can be predefined in the hotspot editor as well. When end user maps a text content on that predefined style able hotspot in to document editor; that assigned style in the hotspot editor will be automatically mapped on the text content in document editor and will be shown in document preview/production output.

1.0.3 New Hotspot Creation

A new hotspot can be created on the go in hotspot editor. It is a very flexible feature as this reduces the layout design time. Newly created hotspots can be renamed and user can delete them too in hotspot editor.

1.0.4 Customized Permissions for Hotspots

Different set of permissions are controlled in the hotspot editor for hotspots going to be used in document editor. For Example, End user can

  • Change the size and location of hotspot in the document editor
  • Map content as per the assigned mapping limit
  • Map a font Style on the mapped text content
  • Make a hotspot Editable so that user can freely type in the editable hotspot in document editor.

1.0.5 Zoom In/Out for better View

There is a zooming feature for better visibility factor in hotspot editor. User can zoom in/out a layout/template while working in hotspot editor.

1.0.6 Clone able Page

Any particular page can be made clone able in hotspot editor. User can make different copies/instances of that page in document editor.

In short; hotspots are created, deleted and customized for using them in document editor. Hotspot Editor is a prerequisite for document editor.

1.0.7 Layout Update Mechanism

If there is any change in the core design of any application i.e. created Tango Design File (TDF) is changed in the project directory, an update option will be available for user to update the already created application.

2.0 Document Editor

Once Layout is finished in hotspot editor; document is ready to be started in document editor. All the “ON” and “OFF” hotspots are shown in document editor. User can select and map content on the “ON” hotspots only. Mapping content is fun in document editor.

2.01. Content Library

There is a content library along with the document editor. User has just to select the desired hotspot by clicking on it and relevant content will be filtered out for him/her in the library. Just drag the content from content library to the selected hotspot and drop it there on the hotspot and DONE..!!

If user wants it to be faster mapping process, user can double click the desired content after selection of hotspot and mapping time will be reduced more. Hundreds of content files like Text RTFs and Images can be mapped within a time span of few minutes and ultimately document will look into its shape.

2.0.2 Live Preview

Sometimes, there are live data fields in text content. For Example, take this letter template for a reference:

“Dear <%=CustomerInfo/@Name%>,

We have dispatched the letter on your address <%=CustomerInfo/@Address%> …….”

In the above mentioned text content, there are two data fields (i.e. Customer Name and Address. The values of these data fields will be changed for every customer. If user wants to view the evaluated values of these mapped fields in document editor, the right option for him/her is live data toggle toolbar.

2.0.4 Pages Gallery

User can view the total pages of the layout in the pages gallery dock view. A plus icon (+) is shown with the clone able pages and user can created clones/copies of that page. 

2.0.5 Zoom In/Out for better View

Zoom option is also available here in Document Editor. User can zoom in/out a document while working in document editor. Content can be mapped in a zoomed out/in document.

2.0.6 Document Update Mechanism

If there is any change in the application layout of any document, an update option will be available for user to update the already created documents so that user effort is not lost and change can be adjusted accordingly.

2.0.7 Document Preview

Once user is down with the document, he/she can view the complete document in the preview. PDF preview is also available for the user.

These were all technical details of the document creation flow. Here is a summarized diagrammatical view of the process shown in *Fig 1.0.


*Fig 1.0: Flow Chart of Document Creation Process

T+ has following cutting edge features in the document creation flow:

  • Ease of Use
  • Minimal time for creation of Layouts & Documents
  • Less Man Power
  • Increased Document production throughput
  • Flexible for any change in layout
  • Less Error Ratio

Application and document update mechanism plays a vital role in the document management process. Each change in the layout needs to be adjusted in a timely and simple way. T+ addresses this issue and provides a solution for any runtime change. Application and Document update mechanism is shown in *Fig 2.0.

Let’s elaborate the features mentioned above in the document creation flow:

1.    Ease of Use

Non-Technical resource can easily handle both editors. UI is very user friendly with minimal clicks. Tool tips are provided for different icons hovering mouse on them.

2.    Time Reduction

Time factor is significantly reduced as user is able to manage the change at run time. Content mapping is managed in document editor instead of typical typing method of the content manually.

3.    Less Man Power

Less resources are used as there is no need for typist, proof reader, UI Expert, Designer in document/layout designing.

4.    Document Production throughput

Document production is increased in T+ as more documents can be processed now in less time if it is compared to the old version of Tango.

5.    Change Flexibility

As discussed earlier changes can be adopted while working in the editors instead of removing the previously created applications and documents; importing new design from the scratch.

6.    Error Ratio is far less

As T+ provides a template based document generation practice; therefore human errors are less minimized.

*Fig 2.0: Application and Document Update Mechanism

In short, document creation is now fun in T+. Different case studies from our clients are an endorsement of this feature. T+ allows businesses to control the production, storage, management and distribution of electronic documents, yielding greater effectiveness and the ability to reuse information and to control the flow of the documents. It is a single solution for the entire life cycle of content from creation to production. T+ is the ultimate solution of assembling complex documents. 


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