A Brief Introduction to Cyber Forensics
Vishwas N.
Sr.Solutions Engineer at Innatemetrics | Reinventing AI Acceleration for Enterprise(R2V2.ai) | Playing the Big Boy Sport(Startups)
I was reading a book on Android Security From Dr. Pragati Ogal Rai mam and I came across this line it changed the way I think about cybersecurity, it's not the code but just the fact that there can be an awesome looking well-written code that can make you look back at the security of the Android system.
Today it's very easy to tear down an APK or a mobile app and do an analysis of it.
This was the code :
// mUserInput is the user input
String mSelectionClause = "var = " + mUserInput;?
This way of "code" is not a best practice, you can be proud of it only if you want your application to be vulnerable to SQL injections.
The above code is directly taken from the book??
So now if you think back at the way any Cyberforsensics Expert Perform Forensics is by creating a Copy of the system and now investigating the replica. The above is an example of a vulnerability that is being diagnosed at the level of code.
Cyber forensics is the process of obtaining data as evidence for a crime (using electronic equipment) while adhering to correct investigative procedures to apprehend the offender by presenting the evidence to the court. Computer forensics is another name for cyber forensics. Maintaining the chain of evidence and documentation to identify the digital criminal is the primary goal of cyber forensics.
It is crucial to make a digital copy of the system's unique storage cell during the examination. To identify who is responsible for a security breach, a thorough cyber forensics investigation is conducted. While assuring that the system is not impacted, a full investigation is conducted on the software copy.
Cyber forensics is an unavoidable and crucial element in the modern era, thus cyber forensics plays a huge role in incident response.
So CyberForensics don't only talk about just the technology, they also talk about the human in the loop read this case study on Sony Hack and also do refer to the slides given below where I talk about the different practices in DevSecOps that you can use for understanding the challenges in SDLC, this is even before we have a compromised system. The Challenges, strategies, and the decision of using the right tool in the SDLC.Do See the slides here.
What makes cyber forensics crucial?
The field of cyber forensics is growing as more and more things are digitalized. Locating the underlying offenders aids us in battling aggressive activities. Cybersecurity experts can identify hackers and crackers with the help of the data obtained via investigations.
Due to the rise in cybercrime, the work of cyber forensic specialists is becoming increasingly important. The NCRB reports thats from 2016 to 2018, cybercrime doubled and that it might rise to four times more than it is now. This demonstrates the significance of law enforcement in combating cybercrime and the difficulties cyber professionals face when dealing with cyber forensics.
Specialists may remotely evaluate any crime scene using cyber forensics by looking at the surfing history, email correspondence, or digital traces.
Cyber forensics is extremely important in today's technologically advanced age. Forensic forensics and technology work together to speed up investigations and produce reliable findings. The following examples illustrate the significance of cyber forensics:
The Methodology Used in Cyber Forensics
How do Computer/Cyber Forensics Experts work?
During an investigation, computer forensic professionals gather and analyze potential evidence, including deleted, encrypted, or corrupted data. To avoid the evidence from being changed, tainted, or destroyed, all actions conducted during this procedure are documented and adhered to protocols.
A cyber forensic specialist investigates each event using cutting-edge methods. Their thorough inquiry focuses on building a solid chain of evidence. They can settle legal disputes and convict cybercriminals thanks to the admissible proof they create.
To gather data and draw conclusions after thorough research, the area of cyber forensics adheres to a set of rules. The steps that cyber forensic specialists take are:
So at the end of the day What cyber forensics can accomplish is
Types of Computer/Cyber forensics
Depending on the industry that requires digital inquiry, there are many forms of computer forensics. Here are the fields:
Techniques that Computer/Cyber forensic investigators use
A comprehensive range of technical, professional, and functional skills, as well as the particular cybersecurity abilities and crucial soft skills in demand by employers that will set you apart from the competition, are required of those pursuing a career in this industry. To help you understand what it takes to be a professional in the cybersecurity area.
The Top Skills Required for Cybersecurity Jobs
To investigate the data, cyber forensic investigators employ various methods and technologies, some of which include:
What qualifications are necessary to become a cyber forensic expert?
I am not going to talk about any degree but I am going to talk about the new approach which we can adopt in approaching right in this field of study.
A cyber forensic specialist has to possess the following abilities:
A career in computer forensics is quite fulfilling because there are options to work for commercial companies as well as join governmental organizations. Agencies from all over the world are investing a sizable sum of money in the top Cyber Forensics experts due to the rise in cyberattacks each year.
As long as CyberThreats occur there will be a requirement for the Cyber Forensics Expert.