A Brief Introduction To The 9 Human Design Energy Centers
Zette Harbour
As a Human Design Guide & Certified Professional Coach, I support leaders in realizing their potential by claiming their unique gifts so they can embody their impact and empower others.
The Human Design system is a synthesis of a number of traditions, some ancient, others modern.
It's illustrated with an image called a Bodygraph.
The Human Design Bodygraph contains the details of who you truly are and where you’re here to learn about life.?
When you first see your Human Design Chart and Bodygraph, there are some important elements to understand.
If you don't yet have your Human Design Chart, I can help. Just reach out and we'll get you started today.
The 9 Energy Centers
When you look at your Bodygraph, you'll see a silhouette and within it, there are different shapes, called Centers. There are 9 Centers and each one is an energy hub with unique qualities and strengths.
Starting at the top of the illustration the triangle located at the crown is called the Head Center, responsible for inspiration, thoughts, realizations, and concepts.?
Next moving down, you can see a triangle which is called the Ajna Center, responsible for awareness of how thoughts, realizations, concepts, opinions, and inspirations are ordered and organized.?
Just below this, you see a square called the Throat Center, responsible for expression, communication, and manifestation.?
Next is a diamond shape called the G Center. It’s responsible for our identity, sense of direction, connection to Higher Self, and self-love.?
Moving slightly to the right of the image, you see a smaller triangle. This is the Heart Center which is responsible for the ego and willpower.?
Continuing to the right and down, you see a triangle which is the Solar Plexus Center responsible for the awareness and energy of emotions.?
Moving directly to the left in the center of the design, you see a square called the Sacral Center, responsible for the generative, creative, reproductive life force energy.?
Continuing to the left, you see a triangle called the Splenic Center, responsible for the awareness of instinct, intuition, well-being, and survival.?
Finally, at the bottom center of the silhouette is a square called the Root Center, responsible for adrenalized pressure and the fuel for living, particularly in dealing with stress.?
In your own Bodygraph, you'll most likely see that some of the Centers are colored in, so they’re spoken of as Defined or Fixed. This gives you a consistent, dependable way of experiencing the qualities of that energy hub.
Where they’re white, they’re referred to as Undefined or Open. These are the areas where you’re open and will experience those energies in an inconsistent and unreliable way.
The Channels
Next, you see the lines, called Channels, where some are white, red, black or a combination. They are the conduits of the energy to and from the Centers.
The white is open and undefined.
The red signifies an Unconscious activation or definition.
The black signifies a Conscious activation or definition.
If the entire line is colored in it’s considered Defined and Fixed.
If only one part of the line is colored in, it’s Undefined.
The portion colored in is considered Activated. Basically, it’s poised to connect with the energy at the other end depending on the external circumstances.
The Activations
Your Bodygraph will also include two lists of numbers.
On the right side, you will see a list of numbers and symbols in black determined by the date of your birth. These correspond to the black lines of your Activated Gates and Defined Channels.
On the left, similarly you see a red list which is determined by the position of the Sun approximately 3 months prior to your birth. These correspond to the red lines of your Activated Gates and Defined Channels.?
The symbols tell us which celestial elements bring the energy to a particular Gate. These are the planets, the sun, moon, earth, and the nodes of the moon and each one carries its own quality of influence and energy, personalizing the experience and expression of the design.
The Open & The Fixed
Whether an element of your design is Defined, Undefined, Open, or Fixed is neither good nor bad.
What we’re looking at is a map of what makes you unique and what gifts and strengths you’re designed to enjoy and share in this lifetime.
This is your Bodygraph and it’s the map of you.
With it we can see your True Self with your innate gifts and strengths, and how you are designed to perceive and engage with the world.
Your openness, all of the white shapes and lines, is the Not-Self.
Simply put, it’s not you.
This openness to life is where you’re here to receive the influence of others and the world in order to, overtime, become wise.
Discover Your Elemental Nature
The secret to receiving the richness of your design is in understanding the truth of who you are, rather than who you've been told you should be.
It's equally important to understand who you are NOT so you can give your wholehearted presence and energy to being who you're here to be.
Which frees you up to receive the wisdom of all of the openness in your design. And when you do, you become a source of wisdom for others.
If you don't yet have your Human Design Chart, I can help. Just reach out and we'll get you started today.
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Zette Harbour
Certified Professional Coach, Certified Brain Health Coach, Human Design Guide