A brief guide to spending quality time with children

A brief guide to spending quality time with children

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Children need many things: nutritious food, stimulating toys, a lot of love, but one of their basic needs is spending time with the adults who matter in their lives. Sometimes, it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of joint time because there are always other demands, like work, health, chores, and so on. But there are ways we can spend more time with kids and ensure that time is full of fond memories, providing a positive foundation for the kids’ future.

Invite kids to join your activities

Not every moment of quality time needs to be spent playing or in an exciting location, like a park or a playground. The house becomes the stage for any number of fun and quality activities that can be as simple as chores.

Young kids are very fond of helping with the chores or want to try their hand at being independent. From an early age, they can be included in different household tasks, especially if one knows how to make a game of it. You need to consider the child’s age and ensure the tasks are appropriate, but there are many things they can do.

Maybe a toddler can’t chop vegetables, but they could help pick up the peels and throw them out. They can help you pick a menu or just play with the pots while you cook. Household chores and tasks offer endless opportunities for quality time, as well as learning to do different activities.

Take them on errands

Just as happens with household chores, errands can provide opportunities for quality time. Sure, there are places that are not appropriate for kids or that can be too stressful. However, kids can stand in line for a bit or walk to different places.

You can take advantage of the time to have long talks or play simple games, like word games, that are sure to be fun for your kid and allow them to also discover more about the world. You can also maximize the benefits of the time you spend on other tasks by turning them into opportunities.

Let your kid pick

But not everything needs to be practical. Allow your child to discover and suggest new activities. Is there a class they would like to try or a place they want to visit? Sometimes, kids learn about new places from the media they consume or others and express their own desires to spend quality time with you doing something specific.

Every household has limitations in terms of budget, and there may be other problems. However, try to follow your kid’s passion or current interest. Take them to places that are connected with their ideas and let them take the lead as much as possible. Listen attentively to what they share with you, and the quality of your time together is sure to be significant.

Follow your nostalgia

Another great idea is to bring back some activities you used to enjoy as a child and share them. Take the kids to a place that is memorable for you or dust off a classic game you used to play.

For the kids, it can be a meaningful experience to share something you used to do. Some activities are harder to recreate but can still be worth it. It can provide a chance for unique quality time, and kids often love objects, places, and games with a family history behind them.

Share your breaks

We all have times when we need to be alone, but there are also situations that can be turned into opportunities for quality time. Allow your kids to become more involved in your breaks and leisure time.

A movie you see together and talk about can be powerful and allow you to bond further. Not every film you watch needs to be specifically for kids either, you might also introduce your kids to films you like, unless they have extreme content. Even something as simple as watching television as a family can be remembered as fun and quality time.

Mohsin Fakir ??

"Empowering Individuals Through Soft Skills | Dynamic Public Speaker | Motivational Guru | |Dedicated Placement Officer", Certified Trainer - NSDC

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