1. Benchmark: Benchmark desired performance and measure outperformance of self and competitors. This will show an example of excellence and prevailing performance gap
  2. Present Strategy and Leading Signals: Ensure articulation of strategy and departmental strategy to all contributors. Also list various milestones and signals to check if the movement is as per plan. The Strategy should not be made a sacred book to be referred at the end of the year.
  3. Advertise Impact of Change And Milestone Achievement: This is not only trend setting but also inspiring for individuals or functions. For example, changing focus from primary selling to tertiary selling or change of focus from project milestone achievement to the customer’s joy of transaction.
  4. Review Milestone: must be done at regular intervals without engaging in too many resources.
  5. Host Town-Hall to Measure Unanimity: a platform to re-emphasis expectation and assess performance roadblocks thus, facilitating open, productive and collaborative communication.
  6. Customer’s Joy of Transaction: Invoke customer survey as a measurement parameter to measure the impact of business activity on the sustainability of business.
  7. Focus on Urgency of Capitalizing Opportunities and Importance of Potential: Focus on both aspects and balance both during planning and implementation phases.
  8. Drive Change: A change management cycle of planning, implementation and assessment should be supported with the revision in habits, policies and processes.

Framework Vs Steps or Process:

By framework, I mean freedom of movement, i.e. no need to follow the sequence 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8. There exists a freedom to move front or back or zig-zag depending on the situation. For example, to protect a goal or hit a goal, the objective is defined, the boundary is defined, but, you have the freedom to move based on the situation.


But before choosing an activity one has to cautious of duration of each activity i.e. impact of activity and lead time to reuse the same. For example, you can benchmark monthly or review daily.

Please share your feedback and comments.


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