Bridging the trust gap: Navigating the evolving relationship between employers and employees
One of the things that drew me to PwC back in October 2010 was its commitment to being a purpose-driven and people-oriented firm. Today, our firm’s purpose – to build trust in society and solve important problems – remains a steady anchor for everything we do. We can all agree that the problems we’re solving for today look very different than they did even a few years ago, whether it’s the continued impact of the pandemic or navigating economic uncertainty. One challenge that no organization can afford to ignore is the evolving dynamic between employers and employees.
PwC’s third annual Trust Survey found that the trust gap between employers and their employees remains unresolved. This year’s survey found that while there is still a strong consensus between business leaders and employees that organizations have a responsibility to build trust, only 65% of employees say they trust their employer (down from 69% in 2022), while 79% of business executives perceive employee trust to be “high” (down from 84% in 2022).?
Though the gap has narrowed slightly, the overall decrease in trust reported by both groups is disappointing. However, what we’ve learned from the data is that trust is not static; it continually moves and reflects the changing nature of employee experiences and employer actions.?
The good news for employers is they have the ability to take action and aim to restore their employees’ trust.
How to Restore Trust
Start by actively listening, then incorporating employee feedback in executive decision-making. Your people know what’s working and what isn’t. According to this year’s PwC Trust Survey, there are several essential factors needed to foster employee trust; transparency and clear communication are highly valued (72%), while offering flexibility (66%) is another key pillar of trust building. As PwC’s Chief People Officer, these three actions rise to the top when working to build trust:
I wholeheartedly believe that an organization is only as good as its people and the culture they share. When our people are satisfied, fulfilled and motivated, our clients can see that in the work we do and in the solutions we deliver. Delivering a successful and impactful experience to our people requires that we earn – and then work to maintain – our people’s trust.
As employee trust continues to evolve, so do employers’ opportunities to earn it. The data from our 2023 Trust Survey is clear; each and every one of us, as leaders, needs to step up and take intentional and transparent action to bridge the trust gap with our employees.
What does trust mean to you in the workplace? I’d love to hear in the comments below!