Bridging the Skills Gap
The greatest of the people say that the problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem. And we for one, believe it. To come up with a solution, it is important to trace the root of the problem and not overthink the same to let it waste someone’s potential. When I say potential, I mean coming at par with the dynamics of the work culture! If you didn’t get the idea of the blog till now, I will like to make it clearer- This blog talks about the existing skills gap in the work culture and the ways to bridge it.?
Skills gap is a simple term meaning, the gap between the required skills by the employer and the skills existing in the pool of applicants. The need of the hour is to retrospect and know the causes and why this situation arises. The first and foremost reason is the advent and advancement of technology which comprises 90% of the dynamicity in the work culture. The rapid changes are turning hard to keep up with. The next reason is that outdated curricula are still taught in schools and colleges. The element of practicality is still missing from the syllabus, even for the top universities across the globe. Next is the lack of soft skill development opportunities, which is the key to any sales or marketing activity in the generation run by digital platforms and social media.?
Now, knowing the problem let's get to the solution. But, again as mentioned, the problem is not the problem, the problem is the attitude. To bridge the skills gap, the priority is to never stop learning, despite the age, industry one’s working in or gender. Bingo! Half of the problem is solved by having a positive outlook. The latter half can be solved by introducing rigorous tech training sessions, including practical case study-based curriculum- change in teaching pedagogy across all educational disciplines. Next is to encourage employees to sign up for ed-tech platforms and online, self-paced courses to time-based upskilling. The next most important thing is to develop and encourage people to work on their soft skills along with their hard skills. This is where the success mantra lies! Keep upgrading your knowledge, move with time and the future won’t recognize the term skills gap.