Bridging The Learning Gaps
There's always a misconception, an expectation that when we are of a certain age, we are supposed to know and understand a set of things.
Think about the time you felt bored out of your mind doing a math problem. Also, think about the time when your eyes lit up solving a math problem that you finally understood. Have you ever wondered what the difference was?
Often, most of us acquire "Learning Gaps" throughout our institutional lives.
You see, a lot of times we end up not understanding a concept that we are trying to learn not because we are not smart enough, but because we lack the right foundation.
As a highschooler, I used to hate math. I always felt dreadful, looking at a board filled with equations and numbers. I enjoyed writing code, but it was not until recently I started diving deep into it. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the things that I wanted to do called for some heavy math lifting. I was stuck at a crossroad. It got frustrating.
I couldn't give up something that I really enjoyed doing just because I failed to fill some prerequisites. So, I summoned the devil, I decided to give math another try.
For the past two months or so, I've literally been learning math from scratch, and there came along a lot of "AHA" moments that made the journey ever so fun filling. This certificate came from one of those moments.
Now, the reason why I made this post is to tell you that, if you've ever given up on learning something that you've always wanted, I want you to go back and start over. Go fill those "Learning Gaps" and finish those things that you started with greater enthusiasm, the pieces will surely come together. Don't be embarrassed about not knowing a certain thing, instead, look at it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
We're built to learn. And the most beautiful, complex things in the world are built from basic ideas that anyone, anywhere can learn!