Bridging home and school
Antony Moore
Head of School - Elmtree Grove School Passionate about education based on positive relationships; providing opportunities for all learners
Giving a child a good start in life is one of the most critical factors leading to future success. There’s a reason we measure child developmental milestones in months in the first few years, every day and every month make a big difference.
As educators we know that the link between home and nursery / setting / school is a critical factor in children making good progress and being happy and settled at school. Education is a partnership and every teacher and every parent wants the best start in life for their child(ren). The Education Endowment Fund research has shown that in 'normal times' increasing parental engagement with their child’s learning can help, on average, a child to make 3 months additional progress in one year. With the disrupted education all learners have had over the last 15 months and the widening gap for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, we need to look at how we can best help parents to support their children at home.
Technology can help to play a vital role in aiding teachers to provide access to high quality and engaging content that can support home learning in a structured way. It can support the connection between home and school, helping teachers to see how children have performed with different activities; helping them to adjust and personalise the activities they set.
It’s not about more screen time and it’s not about replacing the vital social interactions and skills development. Well planned, meaningful technology based activities can support and make a difference.
At Kidsloop we believe that the power of technology and data can make a difference for every young learner, providing engaging and interactive learning content, mapped to curriculum standards, in a unique platform with data that can help teachers make even more of a difference in the classroom and parents to help their child do the best they can.