Bridging the Gap: Seamless Integration of Flutter and Native Code

Bridging the Gap: Seamless Integration of Flutter and Native Code


Flutter, a powerful framework for building cross-platform mobile apps, offers exceptional performance and a rich set of features. However, there are scenarios where integrating with native code becomes necessary, such as accessing platform-specific APIs or utilizing existing native libraries. In this article, we'll delve into the techniques for seamless integration between Flutter and native code, focusing on iOS development using Swift.

Understanding Platform Channels

Platform channels provide a bridge between Flutter and native code, enabling bidirectional communication. There are three primary types of platform channels:

  1. Method Channel: Used for invoking methods on the native side and receiving results back to Flutter.
  2. Basic Message Channel: Used for sending and receiving binary messages between Flutter and native code.
  3. Event Channel: Used for streaming data from the native side to Flutter.

A Practical Example: Sharing Device Battery Level

Flutter :

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

const MethodChannel _batteryChannel = MethodChannel('');

Future<String?> getBatteryLevel() async {
  String batteryLevel;
  try {
    final result = await _batteryChannel.invokeMethod('getBatteryLevel');
    batteryLevel = 'Battery Level: $result%';
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    batteryLevel = 'Failed to get battery level: '${e.message}';

  return batteryLevel;


import Flutter

class BatteryPlugin: NSObject, FlutterPlugin {
  static let methodChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "", binaryMessenger: FlutterMethodChannel.defaultBinaryMessenger)

  static func register(with registrar: FlutterPluginRegistrar) {
    let channel = BatteryPlugin.methodChannel
    let instance = BatteryPlugin()
    registrar.addMethodCallDelegate(instance, channel: channel)

  func handle(_ call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) {
    if call.method == "getBatteryLevel" {
      guard let device = UIDevice.current else {
        result(FlutterError(code: "UNAVAILABLE", message: "Battery info unavailable", details: nil))

      let batteryLevel = device.batteryLevel * 100
    } else {


import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall;
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel;
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler;
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.Result;
import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar;

public class BatteryPlugin implements MethodCallHandler {
  private final Registrar registrar;

  private BatteryPlugin(Registrar registrar) {
    this.registrar = registrar;
    final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(registrar.messenger(), "");

  public static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
    new BatteryPlugin(registrar);

  public void onMethodCall(@NonNull MethodCall call, @NonNull Result result) {
    if (call.method.equals("getBatteryLevel")) {
      int batteryLevel = (int) (BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING * 100);
    } else {

Best Practices for Platform Channel Integration

  • Keep It Simple: Avoid complex data structures and serialization methods.
  • Asynchronous Operations: Use asynchronous methods to prevent blocking the UI thread.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to gracefully handle exceptions.
  • Security Considerations: Be mindful of security implications when sharing sensitive data between platforms.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test platform channel interactions to ensure reliability and performance.

By effectively utilizing platform channels, you can extend the capabilities of your Flutter apps and seamlessly integrate native features to enhance the user experience.


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