Bridging the Gap in the Gaming Industry

Bridging the Gap in the Gaming Industry

The timing of the "Black Myth: Wukong" premiere was brilliant in more ways than one. It coincided with the start of Gamescom on August 20th, ensuring it was a hot topic in many of the conversations at the event in Cologne.

As I mentioned in my previous article, Wukong has paved the way for other PC games from China, both in the massive domestic market and for global audiences.

Different Business Models and Risk Perception

When I think about the interface between China and the rest of the world in gaming, I can't help but think of Neuralink and Elon Musk. Right now, the flow is limited by language barriers, a lack of trust stemming from these barriers, or simply different business models.

Take risk perception, for example:

- In China: A month-to-month agreement with a scope and monthly fee, especially in marketing, is not standard. What is standard is rev-share, distribution deals, or publishing agreements on a rev-share basis, or with a 版金 (licensing fee).

- In the US or EU: The opposite is true. The flat fee model is well-known and considered low risk.

The difference in models is vivid.?

Gaps: Cultural and Platforms Engagement

To give another example:

Recently, a Chinese studio asked me to research why engaging with English-speaking audiences is worthwhile. Why should they communicate with influencers on YouTube and Twitch, maintain a Discord channel, etc.?

Is there value in it? :)?

Mirroring this, I remember having similar conversations with Western studios—questions like, "Why even bother with Bilibili?" or "What is Heybox?"

There's a knowledge gap in both directions and closing it will benefit players first by unlocking access to more titles.

Opportunities: The Future of Global Gaming

But I believe the real winners will be global platforms (payments, services for game devs, connectors, and bridging institutions) as well as institutional investors.?

By streamlining the flow of information and knowledge, they'll act like the next generation of Neuralink, investing in studios and fostering their growth.

Essentially - opening the flow of games, capital, and ideas both ways.?

We are in for a ride, let’s hope it’s one of the safe ones, not necessarily the Rollercoaster Tycoon version of it.


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