Bridging Cultures & Embracing Collaboration
My most recent travel took me and April to Santiago, Chile.? We were honored to be part of the Biennial of the Americas delegation from Colorado which strives to create connections, build community, and inspire change across the Americas.? The organization was founded on the belief that as we embrace both our diversity and our commonality by building on our shared experience and deep understanding of and appreciation for each other’s cultures, we can build a productive and innovative economic cultural exchange.? As part of the trip, we had the opportunity to hear from a variety of business and community leaders, experience the history of the country through the Museum of Human Rights, learn about sustainable farming practices at a beautiful winery, and of course, try some amazing food! ?
This was my first time in South America and the furthest south I’ve ever been on the globe, so I wasn’t entirely sure of what to expect.? We were welcomed warmly by the people of Chile, and they were willing to be open, honest, and candid about their experiences and their country.? I must say that I was struck by the number of commonalities between Denver and Santiago.? From the geography of being so close to the mountains and much of the modern architecture to the approach to business and an emphasis on sustainability.? The challenges our cities face were also very similar with concerns about long-term access to water, challenges with homelessness, immigration, and a growing divide between the upper and lower classes.? There were areas where they were well ahead of us and others where we have made more advancements. Each day as I learned more, saw new things, and got to know my fellow members of our delegation from Colorado, I relished the collaboration that was taking place.?
I’ve long believed in the power of collaboration.? From a global perspective like I just experienced at state and city levels and all the way down to community and organizational levels - working together and taking time to understand differing perspectives almost always results in more positive outcomes.? When we create a culture of collaboration in our companies, it helps to prevent silos because we gain an appreciation for what other team members experience.? Collaboration shows that you value the contributions of the various stakeholders and for companies, it shows respect to your team.? Collaboration often leads to solutions that didn’t previously exist.? It’s not about one side convincing the other that their way is better, it’s about the ideas that are generated by combining the two points of view.?
I learned a lot on this trip, and at the top of that list, was the reminder of how powerful collaboration can be.? I was humbled to be among some amazing people who came from a variety of sectors and backgrounds and were both eager to learn and willing to share their wisdom.? It inspired me to think deeper about how I continue to make sure collaboration is occurring at Footers.? It energized me to continue expanding my networks.? And it made me grateful for the collaboration that continues to take place within the MIBE community.? With the 2nd annual MIBE Summit coming up in just under three months, you can be sure there will be plenty of collaboration taking place during and after the Summit!? The question is, Will you be there to experience it?