Python Program Obfuscation Tool
We will introduce the python program source code obfuscation tool we developed in this article.
Program Design Purpose: The project main objective is to develop a multiplatform Python program obfuscation tool which can easily safeguard the source code for the people who wants to protect their intellectual property rights or manage their software sensitive algorithm. This tool will seamlessly obfuscate and encode the source code into unreadable but Python-interpreter executable bytes data which can be mixed executed with normal python program. Additionally, it will offer a decoder to revert obfuscated byte data back to its original source code. The program comprises three main components:
The usage example of the program obfuscation tool is shown below, the user can use encoder to obfuscate the one line code print("hello world") to unreadable code bytes, then use the decoder to covert it back:
We also provide the Python-API for user to integrated the encoding and real-time decoding & execution function into their program. The detail usage example is shown in the below video:
Program obfuscation is a widely adopted common technique for enhancing the security of Python applications. There are various obfuscation libraries and tools exist in the market, such as pyarm or free online tool's obfuscation tool. The obfuscation process will employ methods such as identifier renaming, code encryption, code packing dead code insertion and so on, it effectively makes it difficult for hackers to understand the program execution/control flow and safeguards sensitive source code from unauthorized access. But most of the current obfuscation tools don't provide the features like decoding algorithms, customization of obfuscation result size , or the selection of whether obfuscate entire/part of file.
Inspired by the concept of this [free online tool's obfuscation tool] , our goal is to develop a web-based Python program obfuscation tool with the following key features:
The obfuscation tool work flow is shown below:
Obfuscation Encoder Web UI
The Obfuscate Encoder page is shown below. To obfuscate a Python function or program, simply paste the Python source code into the source code text field, then select the random contents append config parameter randomLen (ranging from 0 to 100). Each line of source code will be appended randomLen * 16 Bytes random sting before do the obfuscation encoding process.
Upon pressing the "Run Obfuscation Encode" button, the obfuscated code will appear in the result text field on the right. Press the copy code button then paste the obfuscated code to your program to execute.
Note : Each time the user presses the run button, a different obfuscated code result will be generated.
Obfuscation Decoder Web UI
Similar to the encoder page, the decoder page is displayed below. Users are required to copy the byte data of the obfuscated code (contained within the exec() function) into the left text field. Then, by clicking the "Run Decoder" button, the obfuscated code will be converted back to its original source code.
Note: If users prefer to obtain the source code without comments, they can check the "Remove the comments" checkbox.
Background Knowledge
What is Program obfuscation ?
Program obfuscation is a technique used in software development to deliberately make the source code of a program more difficult to understand or reverse-engineer, while preserving its functionality. It is commonly employed in scenarios where the developer wants to protect their intellectual property, prevent unauthorized access, or hinder attempts to tamper with the software.
Here are some common techniques used in program obfuscation:
It's important to note that while obfuscation can make reverse engineering more difficult, it's not a foolproof method for protecting software. Skilled attackers may still be able to reverse engineer obfuscated code given enough time and resources. Therefore, obfuscation is often used in conjunction with other security measures such as encryption, access control, and code signing. Additionally, obfuscated code can be harder to maintain and debug, so developers should weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks before applying obfuscation techniques.
Program Design
This section integrates with the background knowledge to elucidate the steps and techniques applied in the obfuscation process.
Design of Encoding and Decoding
As depicted in the program workflow diagram provided in the introduction, the Python source code section undergoes encoding through a series of steps to convert the source code string into bytes data. Subsequently, it is encapsulated with a decode header. To execute the bytes data, the decode header is utilized to convert the bytes back into a string, which is then passed into the Python dynamic code execution function exec() for code execution. The encoding steps are outlined below:
Example Encoder Source Code Input :
import os
# Code comment 1
print("Current working directory is : %s" % os.getcwd())
dirpath = ''
# Code document 2
if os.path.dirname(__file__):
dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
dirpath = os.getcwd()
# Code comment 3
print("Current source code location : %s" % dirpath)
print("Hello world")
Example encoder obfuscated code output:
def obfDecode(data): return __import__('zlib').decompress(__import__('base64').b64decode(data[::-1]))
The obfuscation technique used in the obfuscation encoding process:
These obfuscation techniques make the code difficult to understand, analyze, and reverse engineer, enhancing its resistance to reverse engineering and unauthorized access.
The decoding progress reverse the encoding process with below steps:
Example decoder obfuscated bytes input :
Example decoder source code output:
print("hello world")
Program Usage/Execution
We offer two interfaces for users to utilize the program: a console command interface and a web interface.
Run the obfuscator via command interface
Step1: Run the program via command:
Step2: Select mode 0, then follow the steps to input the python program need to be obfuscate, the obfuscated code will be saved in file , then user can change the file's name and replace the original file.
Run the obfuscator via web interface
Step1: Run the web host program via command:
Step2: Open browser type in the URL:
Step3: Select the Obfuscation Encoder from the left guide menu, and follow the below steps to obfuscate the source code:
Step4: Select the Obfuscation decoder from the left guide menu, and follow the below steps to get the source code:
To Setup the Python Obfuscation on your Local, please refer to "Program Setup" section in the Project GitHub Repo link
License type :
MIT License
Thanks for spending time to check the article detail, if you have any question and suggestion or find any program bug, please feel free to message me. Many thanks if you can give some comments and share any of the improvement advice so we can make our work better ~