Bridges and Edges
Gabriela Casineanu MSc, MBA, MBTI
Creative Thinker | Clarity & Tailored Strategies for Introverts & Businesses | Introvert Strengths Catalyst | Award-Winning Author | Builds a better world by tapping into people’s strengths
I recently resumed my daily walking routine. This morning, before I started, I set an intention
Do you set an intention when you start doing something?
I found this useful!
When I started my coaching business, I wanted a slogan and a logo. One day, I put coloured crayons and paper near me, and got ready to enter a meditation intending to get those answers. It worked! At the end of the meditation, my hands drew the logo that I’m still using and this slogan popped up in my mind: Success Starts From Within.
“Nice,” I thought, “this works well with the focus of my coaching business.”
Only a few years later, I realized what this logo means and why it represents that slogan well.
The turquoise spiral helps us download insights from the Source, which I’ll call the Essence Level.
The grey spiral represents our role in this world: to manifest those insights
That’s why success starts from within: without such insights at the beginning, and along the way, the process would not even start or we might get stuck.
Now I wonder: How many people are aware that we (humans) are the bridges between the Essence Level and the Consensus Reality?
From a system thinking perspective:
What we call Reality is the visible part of this manifestation process that involves at least two systems: Essence Level and Consensus Reality
We are the conduit for manifesting the Reality’s next phase!
However, if we get stuck in believing that Reality is all that is, we (unconsciously) break the bridge between the two systems: Essence Level and Consensus Reality. Which leads to lack of satisfaction... stress… one step closer to depression...
Many believe that larger systems (companies, organizations, states... ) are different from human beings. However, they are abstract entities that rely on human beings to function. They are systems created and managed by human beings!
And such systems, with their subsystems (including human resources), are interconnected. They influence each other, whether or not we’re aware of this process.
For example, when you join a company, you join someone’s dream that inspired that company’s mission. And your new role is to align your actions with the team's and company’s goals, to advance it toward that mission.
Hopefully, you chose a company and a position that also takes you a step closer to YOUR dream regarding your professional path
That’s because you’re not actively pursuing your dream in parallel!
And the longer you stay on this unfulfilling path, the bigger the disconnect. That bridge you’re naturally gifted with – which connects the two levels (Essence and Consensus Reality) – is gradually deteriorating. So in time, you'll lose access to your own intuition (accessed via the Essence Level).
Larger systems (companies, organizations, states...) might do the same. Those that are distracted by challenges and constantly in reacting mode will let the bridge deteriorate –?instead of keeping an eye on and let themselves inspired by their mission, to find innovative solutions that lead to positive change. If their human resources are dissatisfied and stressed out as well, the bridge deterioration process is accelerated (if they take no measures to redress the situation).
For large systems like these, the insights come from (what in system coaching we call) the Relationship Systems Intelligence?(RSI?) –?the Essence Level for systems. The bridge to access the RSI? is in an excellent state in systems (teams, companies,…) that are creative, resilient, and fully functional.
That’s where the coaching profession comes in: to help individuals and systems become more aware of the state of their bridge, help them repair it (if needed), and create accountability to take inspired actions.
What is the edge is about?
More often than not, it’s an invisible edge. There is no visible line that, once crossed, you suddenly realize your bridge starts to deteriorate (so you can take action before things get worse).
Often, there are also fears or beliefs that prevent getting on the other side of the edge.
These fears and limiting beliefs fuel a self-fulfilling prophecy. The only way to keep the bridge in good shape or repair it in time is… by letting them go!
From a system thinking perspective:
Let’s consider the edge as being the line between two systems: the present and the future. Because having a fully functional bridge brings timely insights, which leads to inspiring actions for a better future.
For example:
People get stressed when they fear losing their jobs… or think of what the others might say about them... or avoid taking baby steps in the direction they really want... This stress affects their bridge, so they end up being caught in the present (without inspired actions that could lead them to more positive results).
The same for companies: fearing that lessening the control over employees could lead to bad results... that external conditions will only get worse... that listening to employees' ideas is a waste of time… that they need to always come up with the best solution... could lead to situations that reinforce these fears, because their bridge is deteriorating or is already broken.
Crossing the edge requires letting go of fears
That trust and confidence –?that you can always find ways to adjust to the future – are the best tools to preserve or repair the bridge... since even failures are teachers (not stoppers)!
Back to you:
? What fears and beliefs stop you from building the future you want? What do you need to let them go... and allow your intuition to guide you step by step?
? If you’re an entrepreneur or in a leadership position, what fears and beliefs do you need to let go… to take inspired actions that advance your company toward its mission?
At the end of my morning walk, I had the topic for this article.
What I ended up writing in it has more to do with letting go of my own fears and beliefs (I don’t know what to say, What if it’s not inspiring?...) and going will the flow... trusting that I’ll get inspired to write something that people might find useful.
System Coach ? Award-Winning Author ? Introverts Academy Founder/Principal
#intention #lettinggo #talent #future #introvert
Business Unit Head
2 年Very knowledgeable information.thks for sharing.