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*All names changed to protect the identity of the children

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Our team decided not to give up on *Matty.

However, in the process of protecting Matty himself and other children, our staff is being abused physically.

Matty would hit, slap, bite, push, pull, attack, hurt and injure our staff everyday physically or damage our personal possessions and property as a result of protecting him or other children from injuries.

He broke a staff's spectacles and ran to bite another staff member's leg suddenly, with no trigger or provocation.

The perturbing list continues but what tops it was that Matty's parents not only said zilch and did nothing to manage, teach or discipline their child.

They behaved in a hellbound snootiness, telling us that it is our job to accept that our staff is abused and physically hurt by their child since their child has the advantage of a young age.

Bullying and abusing children can be stoned by the public.

So how can bullying and abusing teachers who educate and protect the children be acceptable, tolerated or even celebrated?

Our staff has family and loved ones too.

Our staff is very precious to us too.

Parents who know us well will know that we only employ and retain passionate, dedicated staff who love children.

Working with such a dream team is way better than those with only paper qualifications and working with an attitude just for a job or a salary.

You can tell the great differences. And no government accreditation, whatever licence or approval can discern such.

Our staff stayed vigilant and has always managed to prevent Matty in time from successfully attacking other children on countless occasions for 5 months.

Thankfully, no other child was hurt.

If not, there would have been many cases, and we'd have terminated his enrollment earlier.

On Tuesday, 5 December 2023, at 11 am, Matty has unfortunately succeeded in an unprovoked and brutal assault against another child.

It is irrefutable, brutal and savage.

No sugar-coating is needed.

We definitely cannot turn a blind eye to this when another child is hurt so severely.


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Matty was messing with others' school bags in a classroom.

So the teacher went over to pick up the bags to avoid tripping children over and to put them higher up to be more out of reach.

Within that ?????????? ?? ??????????????, the child abuser ran over swiftly to assault the girl who was just doing her activity in her own space. (Exhibit 1 as CCTV evidence.)

Although the victim is five years old, the girl is much tinier and scrawnier in size than the younger assailant as she is born prematurely and has existing medical conditions.

It's unmistakable that the child assailant had used a vicious amount of strength to pull a whole chunk of hair out of the victim's head.

The victim was just doing her activity happily in her own space and bothering no one else.

When one's hair is being pulled, it is already harrowing.

Imagine the excruciating pain and the dangerous psychopathic possibility of pulling out someone's hair!

The worrying psychology and upbringing of Matty is beyond words.

To ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????? is knife-like painful for anyone, including adults.

What more to a physically feeble girl?

This photo evidence was taken on the 7th day after the assault, and you can see the severe impact of the injuries even after a week (Exhibit 2 as photo evidence.)

???????????? ??: Massive balding hole due to the child assailant's unprovoked assault.

???????????? ??: Yellowish-blackish-green bruises.

???????????? ??: The red spots are dried blood stains.

???????????? ??: A chunk of hair was retrieved from the abusive child's hands. Some hair was already blown away before it could be gathered.

(Exhibit 3 as photo evidence.)

The assailant was playing with the hair as if it was his "trophy" gleefully and sniggering psychopathically.

This blood-curdling reaction, showing no one bit of guilt or remorse, is captured on CCTV as evidence.

As an expert practitioner and educator all my life who has seen thousands upon thousands of children, I have never seen such a vicious and appalling degree of anti-social and sociopathic behaviour from such a young child.

The perpetrator's level of aggressive violence, severe anti-social behaviour and malicious assault, despite a young age, is nothing short of spine-chilling and petrifying.



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Matty is unmanageable, unrestrained, and is beyond parental control even at 3 years old. One can only imagine if he is older.

Who created menace is his parents who mollycoddle him, condone his violence and do nothing about his abusive and offensive behaviour towards others.

They love to blame, intimidate and accuse everyone else except themselves and their child.

And the big-headed can't hear any jarring facts and truths.

Most likely, they’d act nice and civil initially, lie about their child’s behaviour and educational history, badmouth about the previous schools as they change from school to school, jump from one early intervention centre to another everytime the child creates serious trouble or gets expelled.

Matty has unimaginable powerful physical strength and is hyperactively aggressive, violent and abusive, physically strong beyond his age.

This boy requires at least 3 to 4 adults to hold down his violence and strength, although he is only 3 years old.

In school, he would often bump, fall, bang, cut or hurt himself recklessly.

He'd hurt himself deliberately or carelessly and appear not to be bothered or care about the bruises and cuts.

He would ignore the self-infliction and continue with his bratty and violent behaviour in under 5 seconds. (CCTV evidence available too.)

Every day, he comes from home with many and various types of newly self-inflicted bruises, cuts, injuries and wounds, unsurprisingly.

Their helper is often fearful that she'd be accused of hurting the child when the helper is the one being abused by the child at home.

This child abuser is ruthlessly violent towards himself and others countless times.

This cautions us of the tragic River Valley child murderer case whereby the victim and murderer did not even know each other, let alone had any feud.

Do parents want to groom the next negative headlines?

Can we afford another tragedy?

Why don't we do something before it's too late?


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When educational institutions of any form, educators ourselves, the law, society and parents expect teachers to accept and tolerate bullying by both parents and students (especially older ones like in secondary schools), schools and parents can expect that the toxic trend of bullying and abuse will increase and worsen towards other children too.

If we can bully and abuse teachers and school support staff, what will hold these children back from bullying and abusing your children?

If these narcissistic and toxic parents do not discipline and stop their children from bullying and abusing the educators who are pouring out our lives to help raise them well, is there any reason for them to think it’s wrong to bully and abuse your children or and your professions too?

It is only inevitable that there will not only be an increasing number but the severity of bullying and abuse by children/youths against children/youths will be getting more alarming and fatal.

Our children are at higher risks of being bullied, abused and injured physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Buzzing about mental health without solving the rotting roots of societal decay is futile.


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Make Singapore a safe haven to raise good children who eventually become good citizens of the world.

If people can bully and abuse teachers, surely it is not unimaginable to bully and abuse peers, colleagues, other professions and your children.

Please support the Anti-Bullying & Anti-Abuse campaign to protect teachers who are helping raise the young!

Please sign the petition and involve your organisations and all people around you to sign the petition and support too!


Thank you so much!

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Read how the assailant’s parents respond to the abuse in our previous post.

More stories are coming up about ECDA’s ridiculous response too.


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