A Bridge Too Near
write now! WARNING:
Not an easy transition from Avalon and butterflies
The Bridge from Here to Hereafter
Toll Bridge
It is the only bridge
from where you have been
to where you must go.
It spans the wide, silver river
Destination too far, too misty to view.
You drive that brand new 55 Chevy
Sand-tan with cardinal red accents
Check the dash
Gas meter reads
“half full/empty”
Enough to get there?
Go for it!
Toll booth flashing
Pay for passage.
The stern faced collector
Dressed in an ever changing color robe
Dark framed pilot’s glasses
Propeller beanie hat
Stares with laser intensity.
“How much?”
I haltingly inquire.
“How old are you?”
He whispers like autumn wind.
“Then or now?”
My attempt to solve a riddle.
He, without hesitation:
“I have lived long.
I am often young.
I am the oldest boy.
I am the youngest old man.”
I confessed.
“What have you learned,
old boy, young man?!”
The critical challenge made clear.
“Be an attentive witness of Nature’s gifts.
Have the courage to share the gifts
with which we have been blessed.
Hope is the vital gift
that sustains the human spirit.
I ask forgiveness for my hurtful acts,
both of commission and omission.”
This was my soul filtered response.
The weight of the exchange
brought chin to chest
Eyelids sealed vision
Feelings set adrift
Yesterday-this moment
Tomorrow-everafter blended.
“You may cross dear friend.
All that you love awaits.”
He sang to distant, joyful music.
jlB- Copyright: John Lawrence Barbetta
write now: 28 August 2018
Pepin, Wisconsin
First draft was written in the Mark Twain room
In Pride of the Nation
overlooking the Mississippi River and the Wabasha Bridge.
“Toll Bridge” is a candidate for the “Vital Illusions collection in progress.
A bridge too far? A bridge over troubled waters?