A bridge of music
For the third consecutive year, the Onassis Cultural Centre and Panteion University in Athens are running an innovative form of cooperation bringing together an education program, contemporary music and professional training. Supported by the OCC's know-how and networking, the students studying “Culture and Cultural Management” in Panteion’s Department of Communication, Media and Culture promote a concert series in close collaboration with the musicians involved.
The students learn from the OCC’s management how a concert program can be put together. Under the guidance of the project head, Lorenda Ramou, they explore the repertoire to be presented, communicating directly both with composers and musicians involved. Working closely with the OCC marketing department they develop communications tools and finally, supported by the production teams they present the free admission concert series in the University to an audience of fellow students and the general public.
All parties involved benefit from this initiative: the students gain valuable and rare hands-on experience as well as being introduced to the fascinating world of contemporary music; the highly proficient but usually young musicians gain a better understanding of how to communicate about their art and the OCC reaches out to a new audience and helps form a new generation of cultural professionals.
The success of the program demonstrates the importance of finding new ways to bring contemporary creative work out of the concert hall or theatre and into environments that enable new relationships between artists, audiences and aspiring professionals to develop.
The first concert in this year’s series will take place on Wednesday January 24th. For more information see: https://www.sgt.gr/eng/SPG2000/