NEWLY PRICED. Bridge Meadowbrook Farm, a 44-acre gem will be a precious home and habitant for the nature enthusiast and/or equestrian. The property has easy access from Rte 3 and the long ? mile driveway winds through forest, stream, trails, jumping fields and at the end, upon crossing a charming wooden bridge you have arrived. Greeted by an ample outdoor arena, framed by perennial flowers, a wisteria-adorned arbor marks the entrance to an integrated shop, barn and residence. A three bedroom, two bath open floor plan orients to the outdoor via a 16 ft cathedral great room. From the residence deck, you cannot help but feel the relaxing calm of the ? acre pond adorned by lush vegetation. The land has qualified for 61A agriculture status, offering the owner not only a reduction in annual taxes, but with an already established Forest Management plan and timber appraisal report, a selective cut timber harvest can yield a new owner somewhere between $17,000 and $52,000.
Offered at $799,000
Gerri Bernstein, 800.859.2745, ext 721 | cell 617.417.8660
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