Be a Bridge Builder
Adam Robinson
Founder & Chief Growth Officer ?? at Markexe. I ?? helping small businesses grow. ?? Director of Startup Grind in Louisville, KY. ?? Geeks out on strength training ???? and nutrition.
Our nation is in grave danger because of the deep divisions being sown amongst us.
During Coffee & Connect last week, we talked about ways to individually work to be "bridgebuilders" to bring people together.
Building a bridge is the process of creating a connection that allows things to travel more easily between two objects.
In a social context, building bridges is working to create opportunities and trust so that people with different views will be open to the free exchange of ideas.
Roadblocks to the free exchange of ideas are disrespect, labeling, name-calling, assigning blame and guilt, a focus on being heard, rather than listening first, and a lack of empathy.
America was founded with the idea that freedom was an inalienable right granted to every person from our creator.
All humans are imperfect beings and subject to failure on many levels. Consequently, many of the core values our nation was built upon have not been honored by some people throughout our history.
The actions of a few bad actors do not mean that everyone who looks a certain way, believes a certain way, or is affiliated with a specific political party condones those actions.
I believe individuals in every community have the power to step up and work toward building bridges to create a healthier, more unified nation.
Politicians can't fix this.
Corporations can't fix this.
We, the people, can fix this.
Here are seven ways that we can bring the process of celebrating our diversity and build a stronger nation united in the ideal of freedom for all.
1. Acknowledge that we are all imperfect and trying to figure life out.
2. Acknowledge that at times throughout history, specific groups of people have been discriminated against and unfairly treated on a collective and individual basis.
3. Acknowledge that each person is free to think differently and will, based on many factors.
4. Commit to treating other people just as you want to be treated. I assume we can all agree that being respectful, kind, and recognizing just because a person thinks differently from you doesn't necessarily mean they are evil or your enemy.
5. Seek to understand, with empathy. Each individual has a different paradigm based on many factors that have influenced them throughout their lives.
6. Share your perspective with tact and back it up with truth, facts, and relevant examples. Above all, be respectful.
7. Actively work to build relationships and connect with a diverse group of people. How many people do you know, or consider friends, who look different than you do? Or have a different political perspective than you? Or have a religious view that is different than yours?
There is no simple fix to the tension and strife that is ravaging our nation right now.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." – Abraham Lincoln
I believe we are on a path that will not end well for our nation if we continue as we are.
I also believe that we, the people, can begin to heal the wounds and create unity if we want to. If we are willing to set aside our pride and work together to create a nation unified on the belief that all are free to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I am hopeful that the best days ahead for our nation.
Let's work together to do all we can to make that happen.