Bricks without straw
Bricks without straw…this is a phrase sometimes used to refer to a task that must be undertaken without the necessary resources. Of course, those who remember how Pharaoh in his anger toward Moses and Aaron, forced the Israelites to make their quota of bricks without straw…. most likely where this phrase originated. This story has been passed down from generation to generation in the Jewish and now all the believing community of today. Generally, though not many consider the ramifications of a brick made without straw. Well, leave it to an old manufacturing guy to think of this. The straw is what held the mud together as it dried, and acted like the steel rods used in concrete to give added strength therefore making this brick a quality building product that anyone would like their adobe house to be made of. What kind of a house builder would like to have an inferior brick used on his own house? Over time it would crumble.
So, using the physical attributes of a church building, we often use metaphorically, Jesus is the foundation of the church. He is our solid rock on which everything rests. Then each of us as Believers represent the building blocks that rest upon the foundation Jesus laid for us. (Still with me?)
Metaphorically speaking now, if we are the bricks of the church of Jesus Christ, are we bricks made with straw? Or without straw? You might ask what is the difference?
A quality brick would be one that reads Jesus’ book of instruction asking for His Holy Spirit to reveal how else he might make him more like it’s author each day. One who takes what He knows and understands and applies it to his life. One who understands that he has a responsibility to be a part of manufacturing more quality bricks so Jesus can have a church that will weather any storm it faces.
A brick without straw would be a brick missing some essential ingredients. No time with Jesus and His Word on a consistent basis. A missing prayer life, a life lived by going through the motions, not knowing what to do… As Jesus described in Matthew 9, someone harassed, and helpless, a sheep without a shepherd.
We all know there are both kinds of bricks in any church and I’ll resist the temptation to ask you which brick would you describe yourself….I’ll leave that between you and Jesus.(sorry, I couldn’t help myself) The good news is unlike the bricks Pharaoh had to use before he let God’s people go, where I’m glad none were used to build my house….Today’s bricks without straw can be upgraded bigtime thanks to Jesus Himself. The missing ingredients can be added, and the brick made strong and of quality to strengthen our church, His church. Psalm 119:5 the Psalmist wrote “ Oh that my ways would be steadfast in obeying your decrees” then it goes on to say “ then I would not be put to shame having my eyes fixed on all your commandments” Not an easy road, but He promises us that “His eyes roam back and forth around the earth to strengthen the hearts of those who are fully committed to Him.” Mike’s paraphrase of 2 Chronicles 16:9.
Personally, my goal in life is to be the quality brick Jesus wants for His church, but when sometimes an ingredient goes missing, His Holy Spirit let’s me know. Like the Psalmist said….Oh, that my ways would be steadfast… as he had problems with his walk a times too. Thank you Jesus for your Word and the examples for us to follow. Please Lord draw us all closer to yourself, helping us become the bricks you want to build your Church. Matthew 16:18
If you would like to have a conversation about adding the essential material to be stronger, I'd love to share.
Mike Hepler - Ohio area director for Christian Leadership Concepts 330-285-8543 [email protected]
Bricks with straw, definitely. Makes the end product stronger.