Brick Wall Breakthrough

Brick Wall Breakthrough

Brick Wall Breakthroughs

Feeling like you are up against a brick wall?

If everyone else would change your life would be so much easier right!?

With this attitude you will find yourself feeling like you are up against a brick wall. And your behavior following this attitude sabotages any possibilities for change. Learning how to overcome first is the ideal leader.

What about you has not conquered what you wish everyone would learn? Once you have conquered what you want everyone else to be like and do then you can help them conquer what they are 'ready' to conquer for themselves. With this understanding, you will be like what you want to see. Since you know how hard changing is, you will have empathy and compassion for others and be able to help them. Their desire to change needs a reason just like you did.

Christ showed us he had to conquer all of life’s trials too. And of course, he was able to through the power of Holy Spirit. You can too! Lead like the ultimate leader pointing and guiding to the way that is from a loving and kind stance. Through my own breakthroughs of feeling like being up against a brick wall many times, asking for help was key.

Let’s look at two prominent characteristics contributing to feeling like being up against a brick wall. Being prideful will show up in all aspects of your life without refinement. Refined pride is proud moments of accomplishing something you worked hard at. Refined pride points all glory and honor to God when you asked for his guidance. God is the refiner of his believers.

Another characteristic contributing to feeling like you are up against a brick wall is being forceful when tackling any project pointing to self-empowerment. Force shows up in all aspects of your life without an example of refined force. Refined force is calm, self-controlled, and firmly guiding to uncover possibilities. Refined force points all glory and honor to God for his loving guidance.

With these two examples, you also may conclude unrefined pride is the epitome of no self-reflection and no awareness of Holy Spirit within. There is no reverence, allegiance, repentance nor acceptance of who you are with Christ at the helm.

Furthermore, considering force as the epitome of evil permeating your soul unwilling to uncover where force stems. The act of acknowledging the root of force requires an examination of the heart. Inevitably a precious response prevails honoring Heavenly Father. Repentance relieves the soul from the abyss releasing the hold of its power and giving way to Holy Spirit.

How is it you are releasing the holds on you to breakthrough what feels like being up against a brick wall? The key my friend is being unwound. Notice the word 'wound'? In your own refinement through your faith in Christ you are unwound and released from all bondage to the yuk within you. It takes time. When you find yourself wishing everyone else should just be this way and that way - go right back to yourself and be that way and this way first.

When you learn first, you will have the empathy and compassion to serve others well. Once you have grasped this - you will become the leader emulating Christ-like attitudes and behaviors. Ask for all you need as you learn how. What you ask for is exactly what you will learn to be like and learn how to serve others. Expect mistakes and practice all you learned prior to ask for forgiveness. Contribute as you learn first. God guides with Christ at the helm within you. Honor each relationship pointing to the refinement produced from knowing who God is first through the power of Holy Spirit for personal growth.

You cannot lead well if you do not know first yourself the truths of what God is showing you that has you up against the wall. Grasp the wall. Feel it, notice what is showing up so you can break through. Trust God to show you.

Leadership is all about knowing first what it is like before ever thinking you can help someone else break through what feels like being up against a brick wall. Then you will have empathy and compassion for those coming to know these truths for themselves exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit within you. Ready to break through? Schedule a Conversation


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