Lynn McDonnell
ICM certified mastery method life coach, ICBCH certified hypnotist, twin mom, dog lover, 3/5 emotional generator, enneagram 8 challenger
“When you think too much you make yourself heavy, when you are heavy you cannot fly.” DX
How much longer are you going to carry around that proverbial Brick Backpack??? You know that one that weighs you down with all your stale stories, negative narratives, exorbitant excuses, painful propaganda, and deep rooted limiting beliefs that are stagnating you from soaring?? How much of it is disguised as shoulds, worries, guilt and regret about things you have absolutely no power to shift? How’s does it feel running with these things strapped to your back? All of us have something that’s weighing us down. It’s heavy because it’s out of alignment and clogging the flow of positive energy. It’s literally impeding your growth and happiness. In the words of Dr. Phil “How’s that working for you??”
Let’s try unpacking a few obvious bricks to see what you can vamonos for good:
Your Past:
It doesn’t matter how many times you replay that poor decision, bad relationship, horrible job, or unfortunate accident etc. in your mind….IT’S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE!!!! Nothing you say or do in this moment will change what happened. There is a reason why your car rear view mirror is small, and your front windshield is big. The rear view is in the PAST, GONE, DONEZO, FINIISHED, COMPLETE!!! The windshield is AHEAD, FORWARD MOTION, IN THE NOW! Why on earth would you spend another precious moment puking up the past??? Watch where you’re going instead!
Your Failures:
There has never been a person in existence who didn’t fail at something. Failing is not the opposite of success, it is part of the journey. The only way you don’t fail is by not trying at all. This reminds me of a quote by Thomas Edison when asked how he felt about failing 1000x… "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps." "Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe."
Your Worries:
Worrying is a waste of time. It’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop. How many of the things you worry about actually happened? They are formed from circumstances magnified out of proportion, imagined dangers, and solely based in negativity. Worry steals us away from living in the moment, and robs us of the ability to be fully engaged and present.
Your Unhealthy Habits/Lifestyle:
Almost everyone has a “vice.” It’s a habit or activity that you know doesn’t serve you. The funny thing is you continue to choose to imbibe in them, fully aware of the ramifications. We typically create these habits to avoid feeling bad or to seek out pleasure and relaxation. Newsflash… that cigarette that relaxes you is filled with nicotine that is a stimulant. Those few drinks a night, send you deeper into despair and depression after the first sip wears off. That donut full of sugar, while tasting so divine in the moment, sends your blood sugar into a tailspin, only to crash and burn feeling worse in the long run. Why do you choose to continue to live in such a way? Answer this first and then making changes should be easier. Or… you may just decide that you don’t want to make any. At least you’ll accept your reality.
Your Poor Self Image:
You are you and will be you until there is no longer a physical version of you on this planet! You were born the perfect version of yourself and have only been conditioned by society, people, your environment and experiences to believe otherwise. YOU ARE ENOUGH. You always have been and always will be enough. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,” Williamson writes in A Return to Love. “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”
In no way am I diminishing the fact that these bricks linger because we feel powerless to change them. There are three key factors to consider that may make it easier to remove them from your life for good. The first is compassion. Cut yourself some slack. You are human! Whenever we tread with kindness, things always feel better. Second is forgiveness. Whenever we feel remorse or regret is often hard to forgive ourselves. Instead we wallow in self-deprecation. General self-forgiveness restores your sense of dignity. It’s not about resignation, it’s about being responsible for your well-being and moving forward. The third and always most significant solution is Gratitude. According to Tony Robbins, “Without gratitude and appreciation for what you have, you’ll never know true fulfillment.” I hope this has served you as it has for me. After all, it’s always an Inside-Project.
“Sometimes you don’t realize the weight of something you’ve been carrying until you feel the weight of its release.” Anonymous
About The Author
Lynn McDonnell
Lynn McDonnell here! I am a 30 year Music Industry Executive turned Life Coach and ICBCH certified Hypnotist at the Inside-Project. I converted myself from a corporate control freak to a self-employed spiritual geek. I’m a coach, a hypnotist, a paradigm shapeshifter & agent of change. Helping people transform into the best version of themselves is my jam. I’d be honored to serve you!
Phone: 818-257-0634
Website: Email: [email protected]
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3 年Good one Lynn McDonnell!