Brexit - yay or nay?

Brexit - yay or nay?

From this week's Economist:

Britain has tended to support the vast majority of European legislation, mainly because it has been not so much red tape, as standardisation. And standardisation, by removing information asymmetry, enables trade.

Leaving the EU would not involve removing regulation. Instead, it would place Britain in unenviable position of being like Norway - applying 93 of the 100 most expensive EU rules, but not having any say in their formulation.

A free market Britain inside the EU has a mission. To fight the centralising tendencies of some other countries. By removing barriers to trade in products and services, everyone wins.

"The European Commission’s better regulation agenda limits new regulations and even withdraws existing ones. Most EU members want less red tape. It is ironic that Britain should consider Brexit just when the EU has come round to a more competitive, less intrusive approach." Economist

And don't get caught up on the sovereignty argument. We negotiate away a little bit of sovereignty every time we sign a treaty. What do we get in return: freedom to trade, to move, to just turn up without a visa.


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