Brexit or not to Brexit Uncertian times continue...

Brexit or not to Brexit Uncertian times continue...

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As the UK goes into its pressure moment the business community and the world as a whole continues in what has become a nightmare for global business and investors as a whole. Many who previously found investing in the UK a real opportunity are now actively searching for other alternatives.

As a general rule those once attractive opportunities with at least some risk have now turned sour. So, what is an investor to do? Modern business thinking is that of "let me find a unicorn investment, But it must meet the following on my agenda. Make me lots of money, be sexy, be innovative, in general make me as an investor look like a saint, oh and by the way have zero risk".

These expectations like that of the modern generations about life are totally unrealistic and here is why. Sexy investments often have risk, innovation carries risk, often those projects with zero risk and are in some way humanitarian have a tendency to NOT have large returns. So, how can investors match this to get at least most if not all of what they want? and what does this have to do with the uncertianty of Brexit?

Brexit an uncertian fact leading the Uk down the path of discredit...

Simple the current government in the UK have distroyed any level of credibility it once had on the world stage. This statement does not just apply to politics, but business and investment as well. Investors and business are the drivers in the global economy, even more than politics. While the politicians are bound to disagree and on the same side state that it is their policies, direction and understanding of what may be right and honorable in their own forms of government that lead to success. Businessmen and investors go about our business in actually putting food on the plates of the worlds table.

Once aspect of risk that can be controlled is involvement in an uncontrolled and non-credible market. This is the case in the UK at present. As we have seen with large MNC`s many including the private investor have moved away from this market. We will only return to the market when the uncertianty and credibility that once was in place returns to the United Kingdom which could take a while. Even without the drama as manay are aware on an orderly Brexit would have left instability in business and investments for about 5 years as England found its way again out of the EU market. Combined with the issues faced in the United States at present and for the immediate future investors are moving into the EU market and areas which provide some security.

Moving away from the UK, finding security and trying to lead innovation looking for the next unicorn...

As the current government in the UK seems bent on living in its own fantasy world insisting it is the global power it once was, matched only by that same insane fantacy that the top U.S. officials are determined to force the world and its own citizens to swallow. As experienced business professionals and investors we must live in a real world. So while the Uk and United States drive off the cliff of isolationism and down the path of insanity we must steer the wheel of the world future economic success. We do this as we have always done by review, understanding trends, seeing the next step in innovation and now by combining security, green energies, social responsibility and generating more profit for future generations.

All talk and no action...

Some may be saying "Douglas, that is all good and fine, but you are all talk and no action. Its always easier to say these are the problems when you do not have to look for solutions". My responce is simple I have the answers and direction that provides the answer for all. The answer is in years of professional and personal experience, research, understanding trends and market drivers, having a background in global business and emerging markets. It comes from having an ear to the ground and being close to those at the bottom and at the same time top rung of the political, social and business ladder. I am not stuck in one area theory, research, practice or ideology. I have combined these into one great whole and have the following suggestions in moving forward.

Combination of security, innovation, risks and mitigation, in one word diversifying are the only way to move forward....

Combining the above stated is not a brand new idea but as a community of business leaders and innovators, investors and idealists we have lost our way. Common sense which once ruled humanity has given way to the "me, x and z" generations. We look for only the fast fix. In many ways look at any large corporate structure and particularly the MNC`s the average CEO remains a meer 5 years before jumping ship and deploying that fantastic golden paracute. It almost seems as if the day they start they are looking to cannabalize the corporat organization, show a short term turn around and larger profit return and then jump before things go sour. This leaves the stakeholder and investor holding the bag and often having to jump ship soon after.

The key questions to ask oneself as an investor or business professional is why did I get involved in the first place? Was it monitory gain? was the investment or business sexy? was I driven by other aspects including the social or innovative side? what ever the answer a combined approach diversifying what you would like to achieve while (as we live in the real world) gaining a profit can be achieved. By the way it is not a sin nor a disgrace whatever the balance / reasoning to make money afterall this is how ideas, projects and the world has moved forward for centuries.

Now that you have an idea of what you want to accomplish and why, the next question to answer is how do I accomplish this?

Current and future options to achieve the goals set forward in today`s everchanging political and business landscape.....

As I stated at the begining of this article we are not guided by politics, however, this does not mean it does not affect us. I would never say to a client invest in the UK today with all that is chaotic in the market and government unless you have a high threshold for risk. To do otherwise is the definition of insanity. I would look at what makes sense historically, while looking toward future opportunity and direction. As a general rule what do I see as potential investments, directions and portfolio diversifications?

1) Gold and Precious Metals

These historically have always been a secure and stable market fall back and it is a very tangable in demand options. Industry specialists and those like our team at Golden-Arrow that can move large amounts of gold around the world through a private logistics system remain the best, most secure and confidential way to

2) Precious Gems, Earth

Like that of gold and precious metals this is a fantastic option and fallback and the inability to produce more makes it extremely valuable.Having a full team like the team at Golden-Arrow here in a nuetral country like Switzerland provides the optimal option in this scenereo.

3) Real Estate as a whole

While real estate as a whole is a fantastic option being tangable its value does flux and in makets like the UK we can, and will see a fall in values as we did with the market bubble in the United States. This option is fantastic for a buy and hold situation unless that real estate is attached to a business. In this instance choosing the correct industry and market is essential.

4) Assisted or Elderly Care Homes

The industry itself is a fairly ression and market proof industry, however, this being said the purchase is only half the fight. The other aspect is the operations, business model and ongoing marketing of the business. On this side you either need to have experience or have the right people in place to do this. The returns at present are great and the demand is predicted to increase astronomically by the year 2030. This increase is not only in the United States but world wide due to an aging population, increasing health care and better awareness leading to longer life expectancies. Combined with societal changes, current inabilities to care for parents or loved ones this demand will only increase.

Finding the right team can be a major project and as investors our goals are to invest in the areas that make profits and interest us. To this end I would suggest scheduling an appointment as I can assist in direction and have a number of portfolio properties all ready set to move forward. Done in this manner it becomes a hands and hassel free investment opportunity and structures can be set up to provide the investor maximum security with mimimum overall risk.

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The best way to invest in these present times are to find the experts. Gurney Consulting can assist with the process and our partner business Golden-Arrow Minerals ltd. is the perfect partner with the right connections when it comes to mineral, gems, rare earth searches. On the real estate and networking side together we provide the ideal portfolio management group on all apsects of the portfolio design, management and development aspects. We also through our strengths are able to diversify and mitigate risk for our clients. Contact me today to find out how we can help shelter you from the growing termoil including the uncertain UK market, issues in China, and the current issues including; Iran, Syria and Turkey. We are the light on the hill, you`re place of security. We are Gurney Consulting and Golden-Arrow minerals ltd.


HRH Prince Douglas R.M. Gurney de Ordo Nobilitatis的更多文章

