Brexit: My take
Stephen Atokinya Akuleme, ACIB
Leadership/ Strategy/ Credit Risk/ Project Financing
Following events just two days after the UK voted for Brexit brings me to only one single conclusion. It is not only in Ghana or Africa that citizens turn out to queue and vote without evaluating the true value of what they are voting for. I was scandalized when a voter actually confessed that she would have voted against Brexit given a second chance. These same events, from my own analysis, happened in the wake of the Arab Spring when citizens were being fooled by populace leaders to rise up and demand for change. Without knowing and evaluating the true value of change that was being promised, citizens took to streets and we all now know what the outcome of that change is to countries such as Libya, Syria, Egypt etc. The USA is just about to make the same crazy mistake with Donald Trump election, if it should ever happen. When citizens begin to elect leaders who believe in isolationism and building of walls around nations, then we better begin to prepare for a Third World War. Very soon citizens will vote to exit from the AU, UN, G8 etc and only God knows what will happen, if not a Third World War? With these trends, the world will soon be more fragmented and nations further isolated than before world war 1 and 2 if care is no taken. In all these, the media has played a key role but rather negatively. If the media chooses to broadcast populace opinions as facts rather than expert views on key national and international discourse, that is the only outcome one should expert. Confused citizenry who take key decisions in less than 24 hours begin to regret.