Brexit Impact on EU Shipments Sent Through UK...
(From Asendia USA Marketing) Asendia USA has been preparing for a No-Deal Brexit scenario for a while now, with a dedicated team working closely with all areas of the business to ensure your parcels flow through our network as smoothly as possible. As previously communicated, while the situation with Brexit is uncertain at this time, Asendia USA has a comprehensive plan in place to handle any necessary transition. In the meantime, please see below for the latest update on Brexit.
Brexit – the latest
Now that the EU has granted the UK a “flextension”, you may have heard the date October 31, 2019. This is the latest date the UK will leave the EU, with or without a deal. Between now and then, Theresa May and her Government have the complexities of EU Parliamentary elections from May 23rd – 26th across all member states to deal with; if the UK is still in the EU at this time, the UK is obliged to hold elections.
What happens if a deal is agreed to before May 22nd?
If the UK is able to agree to a deal with the EU, and it passes through Parliament before May 22nd, the UK does not have to hold EU elections. Elections can be called off as late as the day before polling, with the Government compensating local authorities for any budget already spent.
What happens if a deal is NOT agreed to before May 22nd?
If the UK is still part of the EU when voting begins, and no deal has been agreed to, the UK must participate in the elections. One of the conditions of the flextension was that the UK is expected to “continue its sincere cooperation” as a member state, something to which Theresa May has agreed. If the UK fails to hold EU parliamentary elections, it will automatically leave without a deal on June 1st – just over 6 weeks away.
What is Asendia USA doing to prepare?
Regardless of the outcome, Brexit will not impact Asendia USA’s mail services. For Asendia USA customers using our DDP Goods solutions with shipments currently moving through the UK into Europe, Asendia USA has set up a plan to move these parcels through the Netherlands and into Europe instead. While a switch to this process is not yet needed, we have tested the process in preparation, and the solution is working very well.
In the event you have specific questions regarding the potential impact of Brexit on international shipping, please reach out to your Asendia USA contact.