Brexit - how will it affect Recruitment?
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The Remainers felt it was a case of 'better the devil you know'. The Leavers didn't. My own Mother voted Leave and went as far as putting Union Jack flags in her windows during election week. Flags in windows, draped over fences, you name it there was a flag covering it. I was fully expecting the Red Arrows to do a 'fly by' at any moment accompanied by 'Land of Hope and Glory'. Their reasoning was purely and simply down to not liking 'foreigners', people taking 'our' jobs and immigration. I've since renamed my Stepdad Enoch (as in Powell) and let me tell you it's not meant as a compliment. One of their neighbours also made a comment about 'fighting in the trenches'. I switched off at that point.
However, I digress..let's focus on what's important now. The decision is made, we move on and we face the future with positivity and determination. Will it affect us as Recruiters? There will be changes of course but there will also be new alliances, trade deals and more to come. Will we have to work harder over the next few years, consolidate and embrace change? Of course we will but will we survive Brexit? Of course we will.
The fact is there's no getting away from it and for those who stand to be directly affected, feeling concerned is understandable. The reality is that recruiters are already well versed in helping people navigate a difficult and stressful times in their lives – changing careers.
Another important point is that Brexit’s impact will span industries, functions and borders. Many sectors will also need extra resources to prepare their businesses for the impending changes. Recruiters who think creatively and try to pre-empt where clients might need extra capacity as legislation changes will prove to be an invaluable asset.
So 'chin up' and as my Mother 'trilled' so beautifully ..'pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile'!!
Established in March 1999, Ruth Moran Consulting places Agency Recruiters at all levels across the whole of the UK and Internationally. If we can be of assistance please contact Ruth in the first instance on 07970 840061 or email [email protected] for an immediate response.