The Brexit Black Hole
Disclaimer: My business is impartial concerning the issue of Brexit: We can be of assistance to companies the boards and owners of which support Brexit and we can be of equal assistance to boards and owners who support Remain.
Whatever the position decided on by MPs or your views, we can analyse the impact, model it and show you how to change your plans to maximise your profits.
However, as a businessman, a mathematician and a physicist who understands Loop Quantum Gravity, General Relativity, and String theory, I could not help but remark that today, Parliament seemed to have fallen into a black hole.
This is my explanation for the mess:
"The Brexit Black Hole"
Physicists working in Quantum Loop Gravity, String Theory, General Relativity and the Theory of the Entropy of Black Holes all conclude that everything in the universe is discrete. Quantized it the term they use. Your average proton or computer byte is made up of zillions of processes defined on the Planck Scale.
A black hole absorbs both matter and information and once in it, the amount of information that has gone into it can be calculated, but it cannot be observed or used again. It is lost to the world. This is what is happening to all intelligence connected to Brexit and we can prove it.
Space is quantised because if it wasn't, a cubic centimeter of absolutely nothing, a vacuum, would require an infinite number of bits of information to describe it. As the brain of an MP clearly contains both a finite and very small amount of usable information, this case for discrete quantisation is clearly true. (There are also many other reasons why this is true, derived from the theories stated above)
Now, the 500 pages of the Brexit agreement contain only about 5 Mbytes of information. That is ignoring the paper they are printed on which contains an awful lot more information, but about paper, not about Brexit. All the background documents about Brexit, probably a million pages of them, still only amount to 100 Gigabytes of information. That is not much in the great scheme of the universe but it is about the amount of information needed to produce a quantum black hole when it is compressed into a very small space, such as the brain of an MP.
So what has happened then? All the information about Brexit has collapsed into a space which is actually much, much smaller than an ex-foreign secretary’s brain or even those of the leaders of any parties. However, it is a black hole. A Brexit Black Hole and it has an event horizon which prevents any of the Brexit information being visible to anyone outside the event horizon. In fact, it is possible that this collapse will create a new mini-universe - the sort of place in which little Michael Goves can wander around and talk about pink elephants.
With all the Brexit Information, now having collapsed into a quantum black hole, all that MP's can do is to make things up and waffle, whilst talking total nonsense.
An event of unique importance has occurred. The creation of the first man-made black hole ever, and all that MP's can do is to talk rubbish.
So, business as usual then.