Brewing with LUPOMAX?

Brewing with LUPOMAX?

LUPOMAX? Usage and Dosage

One of the best parts about LUPOMAX? hop pellets is that they are easy to use and incorporate into your brew day. LUPOMAX? can be used like you brew with traditional T90 pellets, so there's no need for new equipment or changing your brewing process.

While LUPOMAX? can be substituted in your recipe anywhere that you normally use T90 pellets, LUPOMAX? excels in dry hopping and whirlpooling applications where you are trying to get the most aroma and flavor out of your hops. LUPOMAX? varieties do have higher alpha acids, making them an excellent option for bittering purposes, but they shine when used in cold-side additions to maximize that flavor and aroma.

LUPOMAX? DOSING RATE = 70% of regular T90 pellets by weight

70% is a good starting point when replacing regular T90 pellets with LUPOMAX?. If you use 1 pound of T90, start by subbing in 0.70 pounds of LUPOMAX?. While 70% is the recommended replacement rate, we have talked with brewers who have used anywhere from half as much (50% replacement rate) up to a full 1:1 replacement ratio.

As with all hop additions, there is a point of diminishing returns so adding more hops doesn't always equal more hop flavor. That's why it is important to start with the 70% replacement rate and adjust it up or down from there depending on your brewing style and what you're trying to achieve in that particular recipe.

LUPOMAX? Style Suggestions

LUPOMAX? pellets are definitely intended for use in hop-heavy styles like IPAs, NEIPAs, or anything that is dry hopped, but LUPOMAX? also has some exciting possibilities for lighter styles like lagers and pilsners. LUPOMAX? Saaz is a fun new addition to the portfolio, that allows you to get the most out of your classic styles.

LUPOMAX? also work well for styles where you are targeting biotransformation. The higher concentration of all the good stuff like oils and terpenes, means that there are more biotransformation precursors for your yeasts to munch on.

LUPOMAX? Storage and Lifespan

LUPOMAX? pellets should be stored in the same way that you store traditional T90 pellets. It is recommended to store them cold, between 0-5 °C (32-41 °F). This is especially important to preserve essential oils, which contribute to flavor and aroma during processes like cold crashing and late fermentation additions. If stored at that temperature, it is best to use them within three years. If you store them well below freezing -20 °C (-4 °F), their life expectancy extends to five years.

Once the original mylar foils are opened, it is best to use them all within a few days. However, there are ways to reseal them and help protect the delicate resins and essential oils. If you vacuum seal the package back up and reduce the oxygen content to below 2%, you can reasonably expect them to last the original three to five years when properly stored.

Another option to repackage them is to purge the package with an inert gas such as CO2, nitrogen, or argon, as those will displace any oxygen in the package.

Explore LUPOMAX? here and discover the possibilities of creating bold, hop-forward beers!


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