Brendan Murphy
Lisa Burgess
Fine Art Gallery President | Private Art Advising | Board Member at Florida Council on Arts and Culture for the State of Florida - Gubernatorial Appointment
Question: What do Algebraic- Order of Operations math equations, astronauts, massive thumbprints, and conceptual diagrams on human emotions have in common?
Answer: Brendan Murphy
New River Fine Art is especially pleased to announce Contemporary Artist, Brendan Murphy will be joining the artist roster rotation at the historic Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale based Modern and Contemporary art gallery. Murphy joins a notable and distinguished artist directory that includes the likes of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Hunt Slonem, Mr. Brainwash, Andy Warhol, Purvis Young, and many others.
Image: Brendan Murphy | “Answers” | 2021 | Oil and mixed media on canvas | 72 x 96 in.
Brendan Murphy (B. 1971) is a widely known contemporary artist whose works are found in prominent private collections and galleries around the world. Since his early career, Brendan has blended abstract and figurative forms to reveal meaning with deeper contemplations through his sculpture and painting.
Brendan believes it is in art’s potential where we can most universally transmit positive energy. He recognizes the effect this energy, when experienced as a collective, can have on society as a whole.
“Answers” now available at New River Fine Art
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