Breeding & Nurturing Hate
Breeding & Nurturing Hate

Breeding & Nurturing Hate

The phrase "violence begets violence" (or "hate begets hate") means that violent behavior promotes other violent behavior, in return.

Hate is based in issues of power and control.

Hate comes from the idea that certain people can or should have power and control over others. These ideas come from our history where certain people took power over others.

If you abhor something, it gives you a feeling of complete hatred.

Abhor (Latin "abhorrer") is "to shrink back in horror." It is the strongest way in English to express hatred, even stronger than loathe.

Hatred negatively impacts the nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system. Extreme emotions trigger the release of stress hormones in the brain. Over time, these stress hormones lead to increased inflammation throughout the body, resulting in significant health consequences.

A feeling of apathy or disinterest in relations will kill such more than anything else. You can't work out apathy. Indifference is worse. It does more damage to the psyche than hate.

Buddha called hatred a 'poison of the mind', because although it's easy to feel and can be addictive at times of conflict or strife, it's also toxic, corrosive and highly destructive to both the hater and hated.

"If we nurture hatred and violence against others, someday, it will come back to us.” Sadhguru


Food for thought!

David Moore, FCMA

Doha based Senior Executive Level Internal & External Corporate Communications | Public Relations Strategist | Financial and General Management | Business Strategy | FCMA and CPA certified | FCMA Assessor

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It is easy to let hate take over and consume you, it’s what the lazy do. To take positive, affirmative action, to resolve an issue requires making an effort. Most people can’t be bothered.

Jennifer Gale Compau

Vflats: artisan farm, owner The Yellow Canary Project, designer SPARK:art partnership program, director The antiviolence projects I-II-III, curator

3 周

??this is very timely… thank you for your insightful and thoughtful posts.


