Breathwork; the new performance & productivity tool!
The Benefits of Breathwork
Breathwork can be a powerful tool for improving performance and productivity. It helps to reduce stress, improve focus, and clear the mind. It can also be used to increase energy levels, reduce anxiety, and boost mood.
Breathwork can be used to improve physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. It can help to increase motivation, clarity, and creativity. It can also help to reduce fatigue, improve sleep quality, and increase overall productivity.
Why Breathwork is the New Performance Tool
Breathwork is the new performance and productivity tool effective to improve physical and mental performance. It reduces stress, improves focus, and increases energy levels. On the other spectrum, it can also be used to reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality.
Breathwork is also a great tool for improving creativity and motivation by increasing clarity and focus, and it can be used to reduce anxiety and boost mood.
Most importantly, breathwork can recalibrate your nervous system (your main control, regulatory and communication centre of your mind and body). Taking you out of a low mood, and shifting you from flight-freeze-or-fight system to rest and digest. It can go into subconcious patterns and lost memories, and reduce limiting beliefs and quieting a busy chatter mind.
Most of our bodies and minds are so hyper aroused by all the stimulus around us. If you tried #mediation you might have ended up frustrating and more stressed from an overload of thoughts. You are not alone. Time to try breathwork!
As an active and powerful practice, you use a variety of different breathing patterns, holds, exercises and session durations that help to quiet the mind and instead come into your body. You can also layer in visualization to manifest goals and desires.
How to Get Started with Breathwork
Getting started with breathwork is easy and can be done anywhere. Start by finding a comfortable position and taking a few low deep breaths - imagine a balloon expanding in your lower belly 360' and contract deflating the balloon. Focus on your breath and take a few moments to notice how your body is feeling and the sensations in your body.
Notice your rate and rhythm of your breath, and see if you can slow it down and keep it even. Also working on slower breathing will increases blood flow to the brain and syncs the heart, nervous system and circulation into rhythm. Doing a slow breathing rate pattern is often called resonance breathing!
Resonance breathing also increases our openness and receptivity. So next time you're pitching business to a new client, perhaps start by leading yourself into a resonance breath through the following:
Ready to Reap the Benefits of Breathwork?
A regular breathwork practice can have a number of benefits and can be a powerful tool for improving performance and productivity.
Working with a breath specialist can help make sure your breath mechanics are efficient, and specific tools and protocols can be designed specifically for your unique needs. Breathwork can boost your ability to maximize your own anatomy and physiology to perform at your best when faced with stress and adversity.
If you are curious to explore how you can harness the power of your breath, try an "Empowered CEO" virtual breath class with me, ASTRID MERKT. For a more unique experience catered to your own needs, reach out and send me a message withthe word "BREATHE" and we can connect over a call to see how working together would look like!
And remember, if you are looking for a tool to help you improve your performance and productivity, breathwork is the perfect solution.