Breathtaking Blunder - A thrilling story about ambitions, dreams, and mistakes.

Breathtaking Blunder - A thrilling story about ambitions, dreams, and mistakes.

   She smiled in relief, as she had finally tackled the arduous task, and climbed the mountain. The night sky soared spectacular, her eyes radiated the stars’ blaze and the moon’s majestic light. I did it! She picked up a rock to slam it on the greasy grass, but she hit her knee instead and broke her posture. Her heart heaved and she felt a ghastly feeling, full of pain, as she skid down the sharp slope, blood bouncing off of her skin. She scooped herself, with her hand behind her neck. The pose saved her life, but it landed her in another perilous predicament. She lived, aside from the cuts and bleeding, but now she was stuck.

    A chocking sensation blocked her ability to breathe as if chalk was being stuffed down her throat. Sweat streaked down her thighs, rubbing her smooth skin against the prickly pined edges that pained her. Hana panted, and a mountain-like moan erupted from her vocal glands as she tried squeezing out of her dire situation.

    Panic pounced over, “What am I going to do! What am I going to do? Why did I not just listen to mother and stay home for the dragon dance!” Now I’m stuck between this sturdy sediment because I just had to fall off from the best view in the entire city!

    “Tonight is the night from millennia ago! Just like the dragons saved our people then, one will save me right now,” she laughed, realizing that even that was painful.

    Tears trickled down her cheek, as she soon realized how precious time was. Time was her only companion, but it was running away from her. “Who am I kidding? That was a tale from so long ago, it must have varied from generation to generation,” she said with a tinge of sarcasm.

    She heard a few steps and started screaming for help. Her voice was full of life and longing. Her nails were already bloodied due to her failed attempts to escape. What irony? The same night which praises our saviors will be lamenting my death. Wait, will they even care? Mother must be so upset right now. Father’s been gone for months now and Sasha… I stole what she valued most… Forget lamenting, they might as well rejoice over my eventual death.

    Her hope started to slip into despair as she noticed the sound was due to break in the branch, as it had rolled over and fallen beside her. Wait, if I could just reach and grab the branch maybe I can use it to lever myself out.

    Using might she had never mustered before, she stretched out her arm; feeling like it would rip off any minute, and touched one of its leaves. The slimy sap swam through her finger, sending shivers down her body. Hana, Hana, Hana! Now is not the time for your disgust to settle in. I don’t want to die. I really don’t want to die.

    She tried again, and this time, she nudged it forward by a bit. On her third try, she was able to pull it towards just enough so that she could drink some of the sap. Ugh, it’s sweet, but what an awful aftertaste, but thank God, I was able to get it. She pressed the branch against sediment using her thigh, as her heart raced, adrenaline pumping her very life until there was a snap.

    The branch broke, and along with it, all hope. I guess there’s no point trying to fight it. Haze hued her vision, as she noticed herself sitting at home, sewing a scarf, in a heated room. Her mother was cooking and her sister read a book beside the large decorated tree. She smiled, as she sighed, accidentally pricking her thigh, causing her to slip back to reality, as the stabbing sensation had become unbearable.

    Her voice was drained and her body was fatigued until she noticed a slithery creature between her legs. Slime rained down her pants, and she laughed due to the tickling touch.

    She could not believe her eyes, as her body was able to breathe again, with pain, but enough to keep her living.

    What lay before her pupils was a sly snake-like body, floating in the sky, with claws the size of twigs. Dazzling dark hair seeped out of the horned head. Its skin was hard, sharp and scaly, but the slime made it bearable to the touch. Its breath was boiling hot, and it smelled a bit like boys deodorant. An actual dragon saved me? It’s nothing like the winged beings with large monstrous teeth the stories described it as. Nah, it can’t be, my mind has actually lost it.

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    “Um, are you going to get out or do I lift you out?” the dragon said with an innocent but course voice.

    “Oh, stupid vision of mine, just lift me out of here already,” she said, not believing her eyes.

    The dragon looked at her in shock, “Alright, then.”

    It scooped its body and tail around, launching her up in the air. Her yell was full of fright, yet fun. The dragon zoomed, like an arrow, catching her, as she rested on his back. The crisp sounds of firecrackers burst in her ears, as her eyes were already glued to the flaming fireworks fueling the night sky with fiery fun. Her olive hair hissed as it glided behind her like a cape, and her skin felt a smooth sheathe of air.

    “This is happening! This is actually happening! And dragons are actually real!” she exclaimed, but soon burst out blood from her mouth.

    The dragon exclaimed, “Oh no, her wounds need tending!” It zoomed back to the mountain top, laying her against the pink petalled tree. The dragon stood on its slim legs and bit her on the thigh. Her bleeding stopped, and her cuts healed, but it left a bite mark on her left thigh. “That should heal her, alright; I hope you’re okay Hana.”

    The sun slashed its rays, revealing a bare boy, drenched with slime, sitting beside Hana. “I think I’ll go now, she should be fine. She’d definitely get the wrong impression if she saw me here like this.”


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