Breathing Anointed Sustainable Engageable Protection …
Revelation 22:7 ~ Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.?
Abba Father good morning ~ The living bible is The Lord Our God’s anointed truthfulness. Godliness breathing holiness into a world of brokenness. Sustainable anointed promises intimately protected forever within Our Living God’s holy word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Truthfulness revealing a life of intimacy living within The Lord Our God’s powerful life-changing undeserved grace. A way of life of living within anointed sustainable protection while actively engaging and purposefully breathing every promise throughout life. Promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. This book of everlasting life teaches our sinful humanistic life the way, the truth, the life that brings everlasting life in heaven into this world of extreme brokenness. Reading this book of truthfulness. Holding firmly to all promises. Embracing it deeply within our heart, our mind, our soul. The very inner-most-core of our thriving life will be overshadowed with everlasting life in heaven. This free-gift of everlasting life in heaven is called engageable undeserved grace. Absolutely un-earnable, un-purchasable, un-creatable, and the ways of this world can never provide. It’s a free-gift our sinful life can actively engage and intimately breathe throughout every moment of this day with thankfulness, gratefulness, and cherishing with all of life. It is a free-gift once opened. Will intimately transform our life with renewable hope, refreshing agape love, redeeming sacrificial forgiveness, restorational engageable everlasting life in heaven. This life-changing gift is absolutely-redeemable throughout life. Right to our last heartbeat. Our very last breath. It is willingly breathing a life of living within heavenly faith living sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Living every moment of life purposefully breathing anointed, sustainable, protected promises in the living bible. Engageable promises breathing agape love breathing undeserved grace breathing everlasting life (Holy Spirit) into life’s brokenness (our sinfulness) within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). Every life can purposefully breathe The Lord Our God’s agape love. Engageable Truthfulness, Holiness, Godliness thriving abundantly within The Lord Our God. ?Heaven above faithfully engaging every moment within all of life. Every life has purpose, worth, passion. Every life matters. As our life intimately breathes this free-gift of engageable undeserved grace. Our living faith will blossom into a life of intimacy within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. By heavenly faith we willingly live believing, accepting, trusting, following the truth, the way, the life bringing everlasting life in heaven into this whole world. This life of living within undeserved grace is a free-anointed-gift from heaven above. A precious-gift within The Lord Our God. This life-changing-gift of amazing undeserved grace is The Lord Our Gods only son, Our Lord Christ Jesus. A free-gift born in stable on a quiet night in Bethlehem. Our Living God sending his only son to be Our Savior. Born to Virgin Mary as Angels purposefully proclaimed. Heaven declaring boldly, courageously, fearlessly a Savior has been born this night, in the town of Bethlehem. Our Lord Christ Jesus came to cleanse, redeem, restore the sinfulness of this chaotic world. Destroying barriers of sinful separation. Engaging our humanism. Our sinful separation is destroyed within living faith believing Our Lord Christ Jesus was born of a virgin, living a perfect life among the sinfulness of this world. Heavenly faith lives actively believing miracles upon miracles were fulfilled: transforming lives from ways of this world to the ways of The Lord Our God. Heavenly faith lives believing Christ Jesus was mocked, persecuted, condemned, crucified. Left to die on an old wooden cross. Heavenly faith lives believing Lord Jesus was sealed within tomb, raised from the dead, resurrected to everlasting life in heaven. Heavenly faith intimately lives believing Our Lord Christ Jesus purposefully sits at the right side of God the Father and one day will come to judge the living and the dead. Heavenly faith lives believing Christ Jesus is the way, the truth, the life breathing everlasting life in heaven. Cleansing, redeeming, restoring our sinfulness embedded within our humanistic life among the ways of this world. This free-gift of everlasting life in heaven is intimately breathed by faithfulness. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. We can reject this life-changing gift of everlasting life in heaven. Or willingly engage and purposefully breathe this free-anointed-gift of life-changing undeserved grace. Engageable free-gifts cleansing our filthiness, redeeming our brokenness, restoring our intimacy within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. A free-gift once-opened, once-breathed, once-lived ~ Transforms our sinfulness into cleansing, redeeming, restorational life-changing undeserved grace. Our humanistic life purposefully engaging heaven above. Living a new life abundantly overshadowed within every moment of life’s brokenness with all the life-changing promises within the living bible breathing everlasting life in heaven.?
Father ~ Thank you for a life of engageable undeserved grace. A free-gift of intimacy I willingly choose to breathe. I am forever thankful, grateful, and cherish our life breathing intimately together deeply within my heart, my mind, my soul. Abba Father ~ Purposefully help my life engage this free-gift of everlasting life in heaven. Protectively engaging my humanistic life within all my life’s brokenness. Teaching my life, leading my life, and engaging all of my life. My sinful humanistic life purposefully living forever cleansed, redeemed, restored. My life thriving abundantly within you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner
Our Gospel In Song Collection
1 年“Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this Book” (Revelation 22:7). See the video “#1461.1- I Am Coming Soon“ from “Our Gospel In Song” collection - ? See all the Christian videos from “Our Gospel In Song” collection - search